
After coming in one day, Arnold bought two caskets to put the dead bodies in.

"David, you bring the bodies, I'll put them in the caskets."

"Gotcha." David said as he grabbed James and placed him in a casket. Arnold closed one casket.

David grabbed Karen and placed her body in a casket, but before Arnold could close it, David asks, "What are we going to do with the bodies?"

Arnold pointed outside, "We'll just have to place them outside and figure out what to do with them after the next group of testers."

Questioning, David said, "We seriously continuing with this shit? After two people already died?"

"As you've said, this was our goal, and a few dead bodies mean nothing to me. If anything, I feel like they get in the way of our goal." Arnold Said, in a confident voice.

"Concerned about you, but you're right. let's get this shit down and hope nothing bad happens." David said.

Max hijacks the camera system, to communicate with Arnold and David, saying, "Excellent work, my crew. Didn't even think you'd allow me to pull something like that off."

Filled with Anger, Worry, and Sadness, Arnold Said, "Listen, bitch. What game are you trying to play here? We are not your crew members, and if we have to kill ourselves to stop the cycle, we will do just that."

Ignoring what Arnold Said, Max pulls out a list of people to kill.

"Find these people, and we'll be just fine. Get your cards wrong, or ignore the plan, and you'll break the contract, and therefore, your soul."

"We didn't sign up for shit, and you can't make me- Ow, Fuck!" Arnold says before getting sliced in the cheek, causing him to bleed.

"Don't test me. I can't control every little bit of your life and I will do just that if I have to make you play by my game." Max warned.

"David, is the next subject here yet?" Arnold Said.

There came a man, named Anthony Oxford, who came out, and explained how he was apart of the project one time, but quit due to problems, but now returned. Anthony has been a sort of jerk of a person. Despite, himself, not believing it. Which resulted in many friendship losses, 3 Breakups, and overall loneliness in his life.

His biggest fear, is himself, his relatives, and his dreams.

After being hooked up in the machine, Arnold warned Anthony, "If you Spot anything off, don't worry. please."

Rushing back to his seating place, he started the simulation.

Which lies Anthony, a man who's lying in a bed, with sleep paralysis.

"Well, I can't move. I can't really do anything... But try to sleep, I guess." Anthony thought.

Anthony tried to sleep, but every time he tried, his alarm would go off, constantly at an ear piercing volume.

"So, can't sleep, can't move, can't even talk... What do I do to get this done?" Anthony thought.

Outside the simulation, Arnold is looking at Cameras, in which this case, there's really only one, for that one room.

"Its working well so far." Arnold pointed at the sleep paralysis happening to Anthony, and how it's affecting him.

Inside the simulation, Max enters the room, after finding a path in, Max hides to avoid being seen.

"They almost made this too easy." Max said.

Max then gets ejected by a hidden door that grabbed him and locked him inside.

"Make sure that bitch stays in there, David." Arnold Said.

Arnold did hear a noise, but since he couldn't move, there was really no point in trying to ask what it was. As he lay awake, he heard a creak of the door opening. Since his back was towards the wall, he couldn't see what's behind him, which caused him to worry.

"You do realize all of this is in your head, Right Anthony?" Crakle Said.

"Who said that, I can't see you, what do you look like?" Anthony thought.

"Oh, who am I kidding, you wouldn't know that." Crakle Said while walking towards the glass window and looking at it.

"If, in any way, you can give me a sign you know that you're dreaming, please do so, otherwise, keep sleeping, it ain't helping you. It'll just show that you can't open your eyes and realize that the world isn't all about you. And that considering you can't accept the truth, I'll sock it down your throat if I need to."

"I am not a Jerk, we've went through with this." Anthony thought.

"I know what you're thinking, I'm not the bad guy in this situation. I'm not being mean to anyone." Crakle Said with his hands behind his back looking at Anthony.

"Well, all of your friends, disagree. A message from your 2nd girlfriend, Walker Brewman, stated that this man, "only cares about himself, gets what he wants, and refused to have sex because and I quote, "I'm not the hot one, when you know I always was."" wasn't that a bit of an over reaction?"

"Don't. Ever. Bring. Up. Her." Anthony thought in an angry tone.

"If only I could tell you how stupid the idea of you being in this relationship would be, with your then 3rd girlfriend, Karen Smithee." Crakle Said.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. MY. LIFE." Anthony Said.

Trying to sleep, the Alarm gets louder to the point of deafening every time he tries to sleep. Causing Anthony to lose his mind.


"Go ahead, Anthony. Its okay to cry about differences and how life for you will be difficult because of your actions. Just cry." Crakle Said.

Anthony begins to begin crying, given that's his only option, but the crying isn't visibly shown considering, sleep paralysis.

Inside the hidden door, Max is keeping track of everything being said.

"So, Previous relationships flopped, but that leaves Relationship #2 and #4 to be blank. Dang, he's a dick. He actually deserves to die." Max Thought.

"Too bad I can't leave this hidden room. I'll get out eventually, something will cause them to open the door to get me out, otherwise, I'll do it myself."

Outside the simulation, Arnold heard the word Karen Smithee, and wondered something.

"What if the Karen we put in that casket was the Karen they're talking about? We need to take Karen somewhere to find out who she is. We also need to look over what's been given to us. You with me on this David?"

"Yeah, sure. Got really nothing to do." David said.

The two left the room, the Hidden door shut, in the process.