Chapter one- Beginning

"Yoongi....let's break up." Said a woman with porcelain skin, big brown eyes and long wavy black locks.

"Is that what you want?" I ask her feeling pain well up in my chest.

She nodded and she gripped her dress, grabbing fists of it. "Aleshia-

"You don't love me anymore." She stammered, forcing the unbelievable words that she felt like lies or acid out of her system.

"Is that what you think?" I took her hand, gently caressing it.

"Yoongi...stop this." She took her hand away. I frowned at the bitter feeling of rejection.

"This isn't the same like it used to be. Stop lying to me..stop lying to yourself." She cried out, tears emerging and streaming down her face like rain.

I watched her in perplexion and surprise. "I am sorry for not giving you the love you desire."

"Honestly, you gave me all that I have ever wanted and I thank you for that." She approached him and grabbed both his hands. "But the only thing that was missing....was true love."

"I love you-

"No! No you don't!" She exclaimed frustrated.

"This isn't love, the emotion you feel for me is different. Before kana died, you never showed any interest in me and I actually believed this was real, that this relationship would be a success and suddenly my dreams are coming true. How gullible I was."

"Aleshia! Listen to me-

"It was kana." She said, not proposing a question but rather stating a fact. "She must have, before her departure, gave you her dying wish and that wish was probably for you to be with me, wasn't it?"

I watched her tremble silently. "I'm..I'm sorry." Shame over took me after being discovered and what made me feel more guilty was that it was all true.

"Damn it kana! I knew it! It was too good to be true!" She ran her fingers in her hair multiple times.

We stood there in tranquility for a couple of minutes until she chose to break the tense atmosphere.

"Tell me,.....were you ever in love with me?" Her desperate voice full of hurt begging for comfort whispered.

I smiled at her and embraced her. "Are you happy? Will you be happy?" I'm afraid her choice will do the opposite and make her miserable.

She laughed at my question. "Will never be happier." She mumbled sincerly.

"Bye yoongi." She said holding me tighter.

"You'll always be someone dear to me Aleshia." I wiped her remaining tears away.

"You'll always be in my heart yoongi, forever, I will never forget you, my first love." She tried to smile to make this moment a happy one to be remembered and not a remorseful one to be despised.

"I'll never forget you too, Aleshia." As those final words escaped my lips a loud booming sound echoed in my ears, a burning sensation hit my skin and a black image overtook my sight.

Last thing I could perceive was the breaking of the room into pieces and the screaming of Aleshia as I saw her hand reached out towards me.

I opened my eyes imediately feeling unbearable pain. My arm is in a horrible state where I could see a bone almost sticking out of my skin. My left leg was injured as well.

I moved my hand to my shoulder where I felt something piercing my skin and I took out, with a cry of agony, a big piece of glass and threw it aside.


I quickly stood up without a second thought and I heard the bones in my leg crack.

Where could she be?

I searched the area I am currently in. It is filled with corpses smashed under parts of buildings, meteor chunks and...metoer chunks!?

Bile rose up my throat at the sight of scattered arms and legs that were not attached to their owners.

Blood stained everything, it gave color to the dreadful gray image of the dead, to those who were unlucky enough not to survive.

And a particular hand caught my attention. The color of the nails, dyed a vibrant pink. I vomited feeling tears sting my eyes.

"Brother, please can you do something for me? A last wish from your beloved princess."

"Anything." I said my voice breaking.

"Take care of Aleshia for me, she can be obstinate sometimes and careless. Also I want you to love her."

"I thought it was one wish?" I glared at her playfully.

"You thought wrong older brother." She giggled.

"Why must I love her?" I asked in confusion.

"Because I believe no one can love you more than she already does-

"Wait she loves me?" I said to myself astonished.

"Good morning lover boy. Duh, it's obvious. You are so oblivious to your surroundings." She rolled her eyes at me.

"So please, give her a chance, she deserves to be happy. And so do you."

"If she is happy that is all that matters and by that I'll rest peacefully in my grave."

I winced at her words. Realization hurts and what really makes everything worse is reality.

After our conversation she died at midnight while sleeping. She suffered from liver cancer and finally regained her peace.

As I stared out in the distance ready to fall into the depths of despair I recall aleshia's inquiry.

"Are you happy yoongi?"

I chuckled out of misery and even questioned myself, "Have I ever been happy?"

I noticed in the distance something shinning under the humid rays of the sun. A black camera laid covered in some blood.

A video was playing, the voices coming from it sounding enthusiastic and ever so happy.

I reach down and grabbed it, I saw a male with black hair and a dorky smile shyly looking at the camera as his family members gathered to sing him a happy birthday.

"Make a wish." A woman said.

"I wish, to always be with the people I love and cherish." He answered a glowing glint in his brown eyes as he blew out the candles. Probably from the multiple phones flashing pictures of him.

"You aren't supposed to say your wishes out loud!" A girl pouted.

"Sorry." he laughed awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

I guess his wish didn't come true as told it's bad luck to say it out loud, he jinxed it.

I wonder

Why didn't they mention his name?

I wiped the blood with my used to be white sleeve, now a mix of red, gray and black.

I decided to hold onto the black camera not knowing exactly why I should keep it but the feeling that it might be useful made me hold on to it.

I checked if any one was still alive but I could not find even a single person breathing.

I felt anxious, something seemed wrong and unordinary. Like something was going to happen wasn't going to be good.

The ground beneath me began to vibrate and I prayed not to witness another meteor hit.

But instead I heard an ear piercing screech. I turned around to face a huge animal, that was supposed to be extinct.

I could only watch the beast approach me with hunger. This can not be happening.

I questioned if I had ever done something so wrong that God thought that I deserved such a cruel punishment.

I don't wanna be eaten.

I sighed and glared at the beast in front of me in pure tiredness and irritation.

I can't believe I'm going to do this. Sorry, but I guess I need to break our promise grandfather.

I took a deep breath ready to exert what I had kept hidden from the world for years.

"Here goes nothing."