Chapter 01: Planning for future

Its been one week since I've woken up, and experience the life of a criminal.

Yes, i became an inmate. A criminal forloving another man than my husband, in short 'this body's owner is adulterer!' f*-*"***!!!!!!

I've been angry with my ex husband for having an affair and cruelly take our property for that b!tch and in the end still want to file annulment, if he is not bastard then what is? and now i became someone who's b!tch!ng behind his husband's back! where's the logic?! god are you telling me to understand them? PULEEEEAAASEEE EXCEMPT ME!!!!!

The body is named, Caramel Beatrice Dumdum Vertucio. 26 yearsold, with one son who's named Cloud (i admit she had a good naming skill) thru the owner's memory, i find out his son's name meaning, Freedom! I don't know why she would name her son like that, because the only people who will wish freedom are those have been exposed on cruelty... but does she experience that? I looked through her memory but i didn't find one.

Anyway, the thing that is good news for me is, I've reborn a month after i left my daughter, meaning i can still guide my daughter in life even if im here, with the use of this guy.

Infront of me now is my new obedient little brother, well since im now the owner of this body, so his basically my biological little brother.

The brother infront of me, is rather good looking than i expected, does than mean im as good looking as him? I still can't see my face, since sharp things or dangerous equipment such as spoon and fork and considered weapon. thus mirror are prohibited here.

"Sis. I'm sorry if i only now, i have time to visit you. I just came back from states so, I never knew you. ., aish! why the hell did you do that?!." he yelled in the end, looking angry for my bad deed

well it's not bad to have someone whom would care for your well-being. My parents died when im only twelve,Im only child and my parents dont have siblings, so i basically live with my grandparents until they passed me the little business we had, but have been snatch by my ex-husband. The feeling of being scold are not that bad.

"Well, the deed is done so lets not talk about it anymore" i said then look at him curiously "anyway what are you doing here? its still August, vacation are way way far away for you to come back" i asked

"I..... sis, brother in law stop funding my studies" he sighed and looked at me worriedly "It's not your fault sis, so don't worry alright?"

I looked at him and sighed. well its the body's fault so i cant feel being guilty but still, he's now my little brother. what the use of me here, if i cannot think something to help the situation.

"Well, what if we .... sold the old house? i asked cautiously, the body's owner and her brother has doing everything to patch things up just to avoid selling the old house but still.... isn't the living people important that those property?

"Sis are you out of your mind?! you married your husband just to avoid selling it but now, you would?" he asked me worriedly "Sis...i...i heard you commit suicide, is it because your afraid of him stopping funding my studies?"

"Its not alright" i assured him that its not because of that " brother, you know i cant be with you now and help you to patch things up. I even ruined the possibility of you finishing studies because of my weak heart for love but... the old house are just property, I've been thinking of this but.... your more important than a mere property so...." i was shock when i looked up and saw my little brother crying

"Sis, i....." he said crying. i just patted his head and comfort him, in truth the owner's body does not want to sell the old house because its meant for his brother when the time he got married.The owners body got to live wealthy in her fathers biological sister after their death, her auntie was not that bad and they still let them leave in with golden spoon in their mouth but its just for their living expenses not for their studies, since college is inexhaustible money expenses. The former owner had been bright student so she got scholarship, her brother too is bright but in a different level, he's a genuine computer genius but lack of business minded leaving him of not know how to leave without her sister's guide. from that i dont know of, if he's truly genius or damb but from my observation he's kind of a retarded? or he was just truly dependant to hs sister? anyway i cant be weak minded now, as a lot of work are needed for me to accomplish here.

I talk sense to my brother and asked him to sell our house in fixed price and found a small apartment to rent and start funding in business thst have potential. well i came back from time 2 years back, so i kinda know what business are good to fund and what is not. Im just sad i cant remember those lotto number win, since im focus on my revenge to my ex-husband.

My Brother and i started our future plan step by step, his studies had been continued but still in this country not that famous but still a proper university and as for me.....

well im still taking my time to mixed in the jail, like a butterfly in the bee's colony. slowly building my influence like in my past life, the only the thing im sad of, is how washing up are limited (T_____T) goodlord, I'm slowly learning to adjust on how my smell maintained good even if washing are every other day!

Life sucks huhuhu.