Chapter 05: 2 year's of a little separation

My daughter and I had a talk, she made a little distance that, i understand.

I can't tell her that im her mother now because, she wont understand. When she grow up, I'll tell her myself, for now I'll atleast work my way to her heart.

The 30 minutes that I have are already spent and we decided to meet every month. I didn't talk much to my daughter and only asked her about herself when she got in the orphanage. What would i asked but that? she still don't know me well yet so, ill be satisfied just looking at her. Through we talk only that, but my heart almost paralyze just by talking normally. She was like a God of death that could make my path of life just by a snap of her little fingers. I know im alittle overreacting but dah! my life now is only for my daughter, she was the only reason i want to go back alive again after i died. My purpose in life now is to pamper and make up to my lost time with her.



In two years inside, i work my way up until chef position.

The battle for job in the prison are alittle tight, as all of us want to make a path for ourselves when the time of our release.

although the salary are bit alittle compared to outside but it was a good start for those who want to start. In my early years here, im only a helper. Placing food in plate and washing dirty dishes, sometimes i took the job of cleaning every bathroom of 2 floors to add for my salary.

I want to atleast make some money to give my daughter every visit, a little packet money from me through not much but still make me happy when she accept it.

when i first work here, i only thought of earning for my daughter but as i know alot of officer and inmates. I finally found the reason of working here, it's to improve your life after release!

The first job you get might not be what you want, but there are many benefits to working in a "transition job."

Think of your first few jobs after release as "transition jobs" that help you become financially stable and move up into a career that you enjoy.

Finding a job is an important part of transition after incarceration. Ideally, you will find a job that matches your skills and interests. The reality is that the first jobs many newly released ex-offenders find do not match their desired careers.

These jobs might have low pay or not relate to your long-term career goals. That's OK.

In addition to a paycheck, there are benefits to working in a transition job:

• A chance to prove you are dependable and self-reliant

• An employment history that can help you find better jobs later

•Time to learn about different ways of thinking and doing things

• A feeling of pride and accomplishment

Employment could be a condition of your supervised prison release, so taking any job is better than not working. This does not mean that you have to keep working in a job you don't like.

Some of the inmates started having plans and check with Supervised Release Officer or Parole Officer (PO) to find out if there are any restrictions to the type of work you can do or where you can work since its about the future of ex offenders.

Also, talk to a job coach to help you make a career plan. Then let your PO know your goals.

Next Steps:

• Know how to job search after release.

• Understand how to keep your job and succeed at work.

• Revisit your career goals and plan your next move.

This things are what I've considered seriously for about 3 months or so, then i acted it up after a serious talk to PO about my goals.

for almost 2 years, i hardly have a breathing just to prove im capable to the path i took. Chef are not that great and surely alot have had it alot ouside, you study in university or not if you are capable to cook then everything can be overlooked.

My brother followed my direction of funding different investment, so our current financial are not bad. after my release, i decided to build my own little restaurant near my daughter school and get a leisure life with her. bonus is finding a wife for my brother too, he was such an otaku that he didn't even felt how amazing his university life. love life at school is a must!

My life has been good and my daughter and brother are doing great, as the day passes my release are now around the corner. everything are going to a good direction now, and hopefully stay peaceful for the rest of this new life.

"Mom!" sky screamed when she saw me walk out of the prison. Today i was released.