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Chapter 17: Out with children [2]

The whole zoo are consists of five area. The first one is adult animals where we could see them behind the railings to prevent them from scaring people, the second is where we could use a bumper car to stroll around and we could also feed them while sitting, the third one is the stadium for dolphins and penguins to display their talent. the fourth is a jungle where birds could be left out in the woods to fly freely. and the fifth is the cub house where baby animals could be hug and take photos with.

So first we go to food selection that we could let animals such elephant, giraffe, monkeys and tigers eat.

The two kids excitedly pick some foods like loaf breads and small snacks that animals in the zoo loves eat.

The zoo usually allowed visitors give a snacks to animals but from time to time only. Because a lot of visitors wants to try to feed them they will make the animals full and they might have a disappoint for kids who wants to try, so, They do it alternately between animals to be feed or that's why a guide will show you around, they will know if there's still animals could still be fed or not.

"Mom, why can we also a photo with baby animals?" sky asked cute while tugging my Shirt

"Of course, we could also hug them and take a picture!" I said, patiently answering his other random questions.

As we stroll around, we fed animals snack and take a photo together taken by the guide. We also have the opportunity to let the two kids to sit in the elephants back, which is rare time for the zoo to let kids sit on it.

after that we went to parking lot for small car that look like a golf carts but with a door like grills. as the guide let us in where giraffe, ostrich and zebra could stroll around and we could reach our hand with snacks for us to feed them. The three kids laugh from time to time as they lick their little hands.

we also past through birds, lover birds, blue jay, American Robin, and some bird species I didn't know. Also, there this bird whom almost like a star for tourist visitors. They said that it was a talking bird whom asking for food in exchange of letting you touch its feathered wings, and true to its fame it asked us for food.

The guide temporarily stop the cart and start playing video to let us play with the bird. my brother also try to play tricks like not giving it food but want to touch its feathered wings. The bird mad and push his hand making us laugh, as the silly bird make a complaint.

We also went to baby rabbits and some safe baby that we could touch and take picture with. After that we bought some snack on the way to stadium or a big pool were dolphin and penguins played a trick making the guest "woooh" and "waahhh".

almost all day we played and I know the kids are already famish, so we decide to eat in a small restaurant near the zoo.

The place looks clean and foods looked tasty, and place have few customer so we just settle our late lunch there.

"How is it? Happy?" I asked while helping them cut the stake into bite size,

"Yeah" the three said in unison making me laugh at my brother joining them.

It would be great if we are always like this right?

just happy and together.

but things are always not on my side, and trouble always comes always unexpected.