I swear I'm not being kidnapped. -Chapter 14-

Hah... It's so hotttt...! I'm gonna melt! Well, I guess I actually could...

Oh! Uh, Hi there. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about! Well I'm burning alive, that's what I'm talking about! Jokes aside, I finally got out of that hell hole of a forest, but now I'm on the god damn Oregon trail! Well, more like the... 'Whatever This Place is Called Trail'

Anyways, Ai seems to be taking the heat well... Oh! I forgot to tell you, Ai's the Beast-Girl I helped a while ago-- Well, yesterday. Hmph, I'm jealous... You know, I'd probably be less hot right now if I didn't have to wear all these super stuffy clothes... I don't think I mentioned it, but my skin is light blue, so I have to wear a hood so that nobody sees my skin and realizes... Well, I'm a slime! I'd probably get hunted and killed the moment somebody saw. Ugh, let's get rid of that thought. Hm... I haven't checked my status in a while... I should check it out.

I bring up my status screen, for some reason, it was greener and shined a green light instead of the usual blue.


Name: Shiro

Species: Arch slime

Lv: 18

Health: 35/40

Mp: 0/0

Strength: 8.5

Agility: 15

Vitality: 8.7

Defence: 5.2

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 2

Charm: 2.6

Skills: Gluttony, System, Demon lizard breath >LV5<, Camouflage >Lv2<, Magic sense, Fly >LV 2<, Echolocation, Defense Form, Punching attacks enhancement >LV 4<, Bloodsucking >LV1<, Mimic, Ice affinity, ??????? >?????<, Icicle blast >LV 2, Paralysis bite >Lv 3<, Swimming >LV 2<, Separation >LV 1<, Appraisal, Dig >LV 3<, Dirt consumption, Gust >LV 1<, Body manipulation >LV 3<, Leader >LV 1<, Lesser Regeneration >LV 1<, Larfas Language Understanding >LV 5<.

Forms: Demon lizard >LV 9<, Giant Bat >LV 4<, Vampire >LV 1<, Ice wolf >LV 14<, Ork >LV 1<, Earth Digger Worm >LV 2<, Kobalt >LV 1<, Lesser Roc >LV 4<, Lesser Troll >LV 1<.Credits: 1050---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ooooh! Three of those skills are new to me... OH? LESSER REGENERATION!? D-DOES THAT MEAN I COULD GET MY ARM BACK SOON?!


WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! This is great! Not only do I get regeneration, I'll get my arm back soon! This is ju--

"Um, sir, is everything all right? You have a... strange expression on your face." Ai spoke, staring at me... O-oh, she saw that.

"Oh, uh--" I cleared my throat, "Yep, fine!"

"I see."

Dang... That was embarrassing. a-AHeM. Anyways, moving on, my stats got better a good bit... And I'm level 18 now, I wonder if I'm gonna evolve soon! Ehe... I can't wait to see the options!

I bump into the back of something... O w . What the hell's with me and bumping into things!?

Eh? I back up and take a look at the... carriage? It's pretty fancy lookin' anddd oh no, somebody is walking up to me.

"Hey! Hood guy, what the hell's your problem?!" The guy yelling at me is... Well, looks like your average adventurer you'd find in an isekai. He looks pretty young, probably a teenager. He's not to bad looking, but the scowl he's currently is wearing ruins the would be coolness he'd have.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to." Ugh, I really don't want to talk to him, but I respond anyway.

He clicked his tongue at me... piece of-- "Yeah, you better be." And he walked away.

"What was his problem..." I sighed, "Let's keep going, I guess."


How'd this happen? We were minding our own business and now this happens...

Hey, it's me, and I and Ai are getting kidnapped! Great, I know. You might be wondering how this happened, well it started when we came across a guy named Vale. I mean, he seemed nice, asked if we wanted a ride in his carriage... Alright it was a bit stupid of me to believe him, but it isn't my fault, I promise! I believed him at first, yes, but I did become a bit suspicious, so I decided to just decline... He and his goons didn't like that. Turns out this Vale guy is some rich noble, hoping to sell me and Ai off at some Black Market Auction or whatever. You know, if it was just one guy, I might be able to take them... but it's three, and they're all pretty buff looking. Scratch that, they look like full-on guards of some king... or prince... or princess... or whatever.

Though, I have one thing that might work, the deadly combo of Body Manipulation and Paralysis Bite! All I've got to do is inject some venom into them and we'll be off Scott-free!

... That is if I can find some sort of crack in the guard's armours...

You know, Ai and the other two have been kinda quiet... Oh, yeah, two others got roped into this too. A boy and a girl, really young kids... Yeah, I've gotta get us all out of here.

Pshh! Not because I feel bad for them, no, no! It's only for selfish reasons. Here that? Whatever God is currently reading my mind! I'm no good samaritan that helps everybody I meet! SO STOP SENDING ME PEOPLE I NEED TO HELP, GOD DAMN IT!

Ahem, anyway, I've snuck my tentacle-like-appendages behind each of the guards. Currently, I'm feeling my way around lightly so to find any cracks in the armour they're all wearing-- And, I've found some!

I'm about to stab into it when... O-one of them grabs onto it before it can. I make sure to inject the venom into the other two before they can react, and I mean a lot of venom... I'm gonna have to fight my way through this so I can't have them joining the fight any time soon.

I condense the limb to make it smaller and retract all three appendages I made. Oh, yeah! Another application of Body Manipulation I learned is compression! It does exactly what it sounds like so now it'll be easier to... well stab things!

Ai and those kids look pretty surprised with just happened... It just shows how cool I really am!

[You're not.]


[Fine, fine, do that 'cool moment'... idiot.]

Good! Now, I take a sword out of Gluttony's storage since that guards currently taking out THEIR HUGE GREAT SWORD, OH, HOLY-- I USE DEMON LIZARD BREATH AND LIGHT THE CARRIAGE ON FIRE BEFORE THEY CAN ATTACK ME.

I made sure to get the other three out too just so you know, It'd suck if they burnt to death.

Oh, not talking about Vale, he's pretty much having a panic attack while the guard approaches me. Even Speedwagon is afraid!

Damn it... I could change forms into the lesser Roc and fly away with Ai since it's big enough... but those two are still there. I mean, that Vale guy could still try and kidnap the two! I've gotta wait until maybe... like their parents or something find them.

It'd be bad if anybody some me right now, but luckily I still have the hood and face mask so it'd be hard for anybody to discern any defining features I have.

Now, all I have to do is fend them off... and wait.

[Chapter 14, end.]