The Story of a Poisoned Soul -Side Chapter-

From the moment I was born, I was only meant to kill.

I was born to a family of nobles, who secretly did the dirty work of the kingdom I formerly called my home, which was the kingdom of Kawilis. We mostly handled assassinations, which was, of course, what I was deemed to possess a talent in.

Since I had above-average stats for my age and possessed both the air and poison attributes, attributes, mind you, perfect for assassinations, I was chosen to follow in the footsteps of most of my family due to all of this.

I started training at the age of five, and by the time I was twelve, I had killed a person. I do regret the things I've done, but there's no changing the past, I know that all too well.

After I turned fifteen, I had grown scared. Scared of my family, and more importantly, scared of myself. So, I ran away from home, to a kingdom known as Draila, and more specifically, I ventured to the capital of this place.

To my disappointment, I was too young to get a job pretty much anywhere... so, I had no choice but to become an adventurer. Adventurers, a lot of the time, deal with killing monsters. Not so different from my former occupation.

After a month of being an adventurer, I grew tired. I thought of returning to my former home...

I didn't of course, as this was the moment I met somebody, someone I would grow to care about more than even myself.

"Well, you sure have a sad-looking face! I'm Tanya, Tanya Kani!"

A woman one day approached me, smiling and holding out her hand for a handshake.

This leads me to eventually joining her party, along with another man named Itan Leadsly. She called us all the Rising Sun, as she wanted us all to rise up together, to become the strongest and as well a shining symbol of courage and protection.

She told me about this tournament Draila hosted every year, one where teams of people compete. She said she had always wanted to win it, even if it was just the lower category.

This is why I cannot lose, for her sake. For my friend.

Although... I'm sorta in a tricky situation at the moment.

My current opponent is a difficult one, he's strong, certainly, but more than that, he's the worse possible person I could be facing. He's a close-range fighter that uses his fists and doesn't use an ounce of magic. His attacks are relentless, not giving me time to even cast my magic.

Every time I jump back to cast some magic, he closes the distance before I even land, going for an attack. I have some pretty good reaction time, and my agility stat is over forty, but it's difficult for me to dodge his attacks even so.

I only have one choice, to fight without magic. I have decent skill in using a knife, so I should be fine. All I have to do to win is one, make him unable to move, two, make him faint, and three, hurt him enough to the point he isn't able to attack. I'd rather not go with option three, and one would be difficult, so two it is.

He goes for another punch straight to my face, but I duck under it and attempt to knock him off his footing-- What the, it's like this guy is tethered to the ground... Oh, he's about to kick me right in the chest, and I'm completely unable to dodge it.

His attack connects, and I have to admit, it really hurt. I went hurtling backwards, hitting the wall of the Colosseum. This might seem bad, but this is actually the perfect opportunity. I'm now far away enough to use magic.

"Poison Magic: Paralysing Gas." The moment I cast it, a clear gas spread out from me. Now, if I just keep him in this area for long enough, he'll be defeated.

Huh...? He's already in front of me, I was at least twenty meters away, and it's only been three seconds. I haven't even had time to get myself out of the wall.

No, I can't dodge this.

I'll be hurt to the point I won't be able to move, and I won't be able to help Tanya...

I know she can't hear me, but I hope she knows I'm sorry.

-Side chapter, end.-