Moral of the Old Man

Well, there was such a time, a country like this ... everyone is a bit fatalist ... otherwise there is no way to survive ...

Ah, Dara, is young, you still, like Arash, you do not know the subtleties of life.

Here I am surprised you scientists, you are not like normal peasants! Instead of going in for a farm, you talk about philosophy, about economics, science, culture, talking about agriculture in between times.

You also take on some additional obligations, carry out some projects, do trade.

Why do you even have a farm? It would not have been easier, just to sell an apartment, rent a couple of trucks for 5-6 tons for the money, go to the mountains, buy dry fruits and nuts on the cheap, and here in the capital they are expensive to sell. That would immediately and the money back invested repulsed. A couple of times so traveled, back and forth, could immediately raise $ 100,000. They would have bought 20 cars of the type of Damas Deivo, would have leased. In a month I would get $ 2,000 from a car. That would be a month easily raised $ 40,000. In the year 480000 dollars. Then he would have bought shares from the clan for $ 500,000 and would receive dividends of $ 480,000 every year for 10–20 years. I do not want to live?

And you? What kind of idiot? You spend money on an online store ... you buy old micro hydro, a transformer ... here ... you build a farm goods store ... you buy expensive seeds ... to get a ridiculous profit of just over $ 40,000 a year ?! Isn't that idiotic!

Hey, Baraz, for us scientists, the process itself is interesting, and the projects are different too are interesting, and for karma it is good. And big money brings big problems. Do I need it? Not!

And if everything was so easy, you would have been a millionaire long ago! But something you are not in a hurry to do this business?

And I did them! I had 5 stores on the wholesale market, I received goods per 100,000 tons a day. BUT! You are right, there are a lot of problems, in the end my clan has squeezed everything beyond 10 percent of the market value.

Well, here you go, you will continue!

But by the way, I remembered a curious story about this, listen Baraz, maybe you will benefit!

"In a dried aryk, two coins glittered merrily in the sun.

One silver and the other copper. 18th century. They were found on the site of a former fortress, which stood in the steppe and covered the northern trade route. It connected the main city of the principality "Light" with mountain gorges, villages and also mines. Sometimes small caravans carrying goods were attacked, dashing robbers from the steppe.

Agricultural land was located near the fortress, and water irrigated them along the canals, which received their food from the nearby mountains.

In the nineteenth century, the beginning and middle of its value fortresses were great. But with the advent of the empire, its value fell, and at the end of the century it was completely abandoned. For some time it rose in the steppe, with its five-meter, high walls and a ten-meter observation tower. The fortress was not very big, only two hundred guards.

Originally it was built in the 17th century, and it only existed for three centuries. In the early fifties of the 20th century, the fortress was dug up and then in its place they made a new field and plowed it all up. But in the early sixties, the shepherd accidentally found these two coins. After they wrote about a small note in the press.

And how many such small coins still lie in the steppe, in the nowadays flooded Adyr, nobody knows. And how many of these hidden fortresses, caravanserais, now very few people know.

Once in a teahouse at the crossroads of caravan routes, a good campaign of experienced traders gathered. Each of them had something to tell and something to surprise.

A modestly dressed merchant sat apart on the sidelines, savoring tea from an old and almost transparent bowl. The wonderful aroma of the drink eloquently argued that, despite its appearance, this man was not at all as simple as it seemed.

The center of attention was a young merchant in luxurious, but tasteless robes, boasting in front of all his exploits and luck. His story provoked exclamations of admiration of some and skeptical smiles of others. Suddenly, the general revival was interrupted by the not loud, but clear and clear voice of a modestly dressed merchant.

Do not lean out of the trench, or they will kill you, an old, kind saying based on everyday experience, "he said, addressing his young colleague. I have seen many such naive and young maximalists, heroes with a fiery heart, geniuses of the generation of light and fire, all those who aspired to their truth, despite the formal foundations ...

Able to go against the tide, give up gold and a calm life, honor and glory they all gave to achieve their goals. Truth for them was more expensive. So once happened to meet such a mischievous man from the underworld. True, it was not a man, but a dev, moreover with humor, a real esthete. Such people are not often seen. The find of the century!

It is true that he didn't have much to eat with nuts; there are not many poets who can weave magical matter out of light and darkness, some are showered with money and honor, others are roaming in scanty lands and glittering stones.

I saw him just in such lands. We are unpretentious merchants, walk-wander, look ... the main thing is that it does not stand idle, money drips, new contacts and contacts are established, ways and markets are opened for the sale of our goods. There was bad weather, I lagged behind the caravan as it sometimes happens. In search of shelter came upon a small cave. There he met him, a poet of the soul, who are also in the underworld.

Word for word, he told me his story ...