Trip to the mountains "Light" - 14

"It is interesting and try to type the name in the search engine one and the other and the third ...".

"It's amazing, and the name of the villages is on the map"!

"But here is a nuisance, there is no information about the village itself, when it arose, what history is connected with it, what specialization of the village, what climate, what soils, what rocks are located ... what type of agriculture prevails ...".

"There is nothing of that" ...

"But they were talking about creating an e-card for our country ...".

"They like to say ... and the cards were not in the network for free access, and no!"

Well, what went to issue a contract?

"Hey, show me the goods first, and then we'll talk about the contract!"

Well, as you say ....


Coming out to refresh in the courtyard, Dara awkwardly touched a hand, an old motorcycle, on which lay a basin, with some nuts ...

and then there was ... an ancient voice ...

... the new owner, this is me Shirali!

... do not believe the old master he is deceiving you ...

I was there ... their dried fruits are not very ... good ...

"Damn it yourself, what is it"!

... an ancient voice continued to sound in Dara's head ...

... do not believe the old master ...