Goals, system, it seems not so simple

Three goals in 1 year! Payment tips 10 good deeds!

1 goal - to feed 10,000 poor per year!

2 goal - to cure 1000 people about illness!

3 goal - to give work to 200 people!

Bonuses for the first goal, an increase in all magic skills by 30 percent:

- the anticipation of events (3 days in advance *)

- healing from all ailments ** (activation of immunity 100 percent)

- ability to understand languages ​​of other nations (subtleties of language, grammar, pronunciation without the accent)

- the ability to quench thirst from the air by releasing water from it and quenching hunger only by inhaling the air and getting from it the necessary elements for nutrition ***

- increase the "zoom" of the eye 10 times

- the ability to hear even a whisper from 100 steps

- the ability to use methods of deception, hidden control of consciousness, hypnosis, communication, the ability to read human thoughts

- The attraction of good luck in trading matters (the ability to bargain and find out the initial price of the goods)

- Endurance and the ability to stay awake without harm to health for 10 days

- Ability to read thoughts for 10 days

- Ability to lift weights to 30 dow ****

Bonus for the second goal, activation of the system for 4 months ***** in continuous mode, with the possibility of activation by the system owner in cases of emergency 7 times a year.

Bonus for fulfilling 3 goals, the ability to bargain with the system for paying for services, but not more than 10 percent of the total amount.

Well, how do you like these conditions? noticed the system.

Nothing so said scratching Dara's head.

So why should I study the properties of plants and eat them? perplexed Dara.

Well, why are you so stupid, of course, it is necessary to fulfill one of the goals. Guess yourself two times, for what purpose? the system continued to twitch.

Dara, I asked the most stupid question that could be asked, and your system - he, she or it?

Hmm, you're dumb, of course, IT! I'm a system and not a man! Although I am not a system, this is to make it easier for you to understand. I am an alien virus management program.

Wow! So you are someone created? Dara did not let up.

Of course! There are 22,000 worlds, one of which is not the largest, is your galaxy and the Earth is only one stove out of tens of thousands of others. And the opportunity to see other living species is unknown. Yes, and this knowledge is reserved! continued to share knowledge of the system.

Well, there are no questions! I won't ask them anymore! Protected topics cannot be crossed! This is not good! right there as Dara blurted out.

You are right and wise! That's where we end the conversation, I enter sleep mode! and the system shuts down.

Well, gentlemen and comrades, looking back at a large field noticed Dara, we will try!

He went to the edge of the field, carefully picked a leaf; it was a leaf of petiole celery!

It tasted unusual! Like frosty freshness! Juicy, bright and catchy taste, there was a feeling that very powerful energy emanates from one small sheet. All fatigue, irritation, heaviness in the shoulders and aching joints - all this evaporated in an instant, just for a couple of seconds!

Chewing a small sheet, Dara closed his eyes and before his eyes began to appear images of medicinal properties that this plant possessed.

It treats anemia, exhaustion, is useful for anemia, improves hair and skin, helps with nervous disorders, normalizes metabolism, relieves stress and fatigue, and treats acute respiratory viral infections. It helps the brain, boosts immunity, helps relieve inflammation and removes infection in the urine excretory system.

It's very nice! But at the same time, it contains a lot of oxalates, which means that you need to consume it not much, without fanaticism. It is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as for gastritis and special days in women.

Oh ... how complicated it is. Well, each product has its own healing properties and its contraindications.

But what if you use this product together with others, will it be combined? Will its properties are strengthened, or vice versa weakened? Is it possible to isolate the juice of petiole celery and then make a lollipop and use it as a pill to relieve fatigue and increase immunity?

Is that alchemy? No in the 21st century is pharmaceuticals! It is necessary to study experience, conduct experiments, these are years, if not decades ...

... hey, these are not years and decades of experiments, I tell you how the system of the alien mind of viruses, calmly make candies and sell as a small amount will act as homeopathic medicines, the immune system will be lifted - the system that has suddenly awakened peremptorily and again fell asleep.

Dara, he doubted, because this is a fiction, how can a product without test be used in humans? Well, if the system says. what is possible, why not try it? Only now you need to find out how to prepare the Montpensier and what permissions do you need to get for this? Or maybe it's going to be mocked up by folk artisans and give out a new product as an old product of the implementation of the gastronomic tourism program? But this will be a minus, cheating is not good!

So, just make candies and use them as a dietary supplement. To do this, you need to get 12 permits and pass a test in the medical department of product certification. It takes 3 months. Well, maybe it's worth it? Or is it just to sell celery itself and just write recipes on how and what heals from? There is a second option is to dry it, then its beneficial effects are reduced by a third.

Well, it seems the option of sharing celery and other vegetables, and maybe meat seems more promising ...


* but with a change in conditions, for example, if a person would go right and not left, some of the events would not appear. For a man is not able to see what will happen to him in 1 minute. that's why he and man are to be mistaken.

** Can be used 3 times a year. Since the use of the protective functions of the immune system is constantly 100 percent, it reduces the vitality of a person. To make up for them, you need to eat food prepared from spiritual plants for 5 months. If not, then immunity begins to weaken and maximum efficiency decreases by 5 percent per year.

*** using hidden natural mechanisms involved in mental energy, an element of the teachings of Zen, practice. Moreover, such a method can be used for a short time two times a year. Since it greatly wears out the human body. After this period, you need a month of rest and a special meal.

**** 1 dow = 10 liters

***** The system can operate continuously for 1 month. And so it is in sleep mode, it activates from time to time on its own, giving out some advice or comments.