Shir-Ali takes over

"Well, you have to pay for your mistakes, this is the only way a person becomes better, learning from mistakes!" the system moralized the groaning Dara.

"But it's not interesting either, just follow the recipe, I like to walk on unpaved roads, I don't want to think in a cliche"! Dara yelled pitifully.

"If you do not follow the recipes, methods, you will not be able to increase your skill level. You need to work, practice every day, this is the only way you can become a master cultivator!" the system bent its line.

"Yes, this is all very interesting from your point of view, but from mine, it is very boring. I want to create, create new combinations of dishes. And not repeat over and over again already hackneyed recipes"! Dara began to speak more confidently, his eyes lit up with unknown fires.

"Well, then you won't get the essence of cultivation!" the system said tiredly and shut down.

"Why won't I reach it? Maybe I'll go to a different level? Who knows? You need to try, experiment, watch how the taste, aroma, texture change. This all influences whether the medicinal properties of the products can be activated"! Dara was excited.

But his answer was silence, the system temporarily waved its hand at him, why argue with a stubborn donkey!

Meanwhile, Dara decided to try a new way of cooking a new product grown on his farm.

Shir-Ali looked at him with interest, he is a follower of another school of cultivation "Tao-Cookery" or "Tao-Gourmets", tried many dishes in the capital, but so far he has not found what he was looking for. Namely, the strength to break through to a new level of cultivation. Some recipes contained some hints of ancient cultivation techniques, but they lost links that allowed expanding the base. There was no main energy in them. Other dishes had no basis. The recipe was not changed, but ... the products no longer contained spiritual energy.

Therefore, over the past 21 years, its improvement base has remained at level 4.

And then he felt that an unknown force emanated from the fruits in the hands of his cousin, it was a different energy, not spiritual, but some other.

Now he was interested in trying to cook his cousin's vegetables, his dishes, to see if they could finally help him breakthrough.

So he got up and went to Dara's kitchen to offer his services as a chef.

In the kitchen, he found Dara washing okra, an annual mallow family, underwater.

"Hey, what are you doing"? The cousin asked, looking at Dara in surprise.

"Well, I want to try a culinary experiment," Dara answered without turning his head.

"Let me help you, and you just go and ask the neighbors for some eggs, butter. You will pass by the garden and bring me some greens and vegetables," Shir-Ali said with an order.

He snatched from the hands of the shocked Daru, the sieve in which he washed okra, pushed him away from the sink, and pointed to the exit.

Dara pursed his lips, threw up his hands, and without saying anything went to the exit from the kitchen.

"Well, since the chef himself gets down to business, then he'd better give in," grinning Dara, muttered it under his breath.

He went out of the door and went to the pantry, which was next to the kitchen. There he took a small wicker basket, into which he placed a bunch of dried red peppers, two small jars of fig jam, and a jar of salted green tomatoes. This is for sharing with neighbors.

Closing the door to the pantry, he went through the dining room, went out into the hallway, put on his boots with galoshes, and headed to the garden, which was next to the residential building.

The vegetable garden was partly open and part was in the form of a greenhouse. He bought the handy gadgets on Aliexpress. Convenient collapsible greenhouses.

There he has grown - fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, dill, and stalked celery. Thanks to the wonderful soil and water of the farm, these vegetables and herbs in the garden have grown ahead of schedule.

They looked very bright, fresh, and with pronounced smells of tomatoes and cucumbers.

And then modern vegetables, which are sold in supermarkets, have no smell, the taste is almost invisible. It feels like eating soaked cardboard.

Gathering a little vegetable in a basket, Dara called Shira and on it, he drove to the closest neighbor Maksud, an amateur farmer. A mathematics professor who lived 25 km from the farm.

Meanwhile, Shir-Ali took the okra, placed it in an enamel basin, poured cold water, added salt. I left it for 30 minutes. For the cleaning. This method has been promoted as a means of dealing with COVID-19. And besides, after him, worms crawled out of the okra, dust, and dirt crumbled.

Then, okra, well washed under tap water. The drying process followed. All vegetables must be thoroughly dried before cutting.

Dara, driving along the road, was not the best. Time takes its toll. A plan has matured in his head to modernize the road network. But that would require a lot of investment. But maybe in the future?

Shir, however, said that it would be better to make the road now because the farm needs to take out products. Good roads facilitate fast food delivery.

There was something to think about!