Two cousins and multiplication of healing powers

Now Shir-Ali had spiritual vegetables, it remained to find the ancient recipes and methods of cultivating the "Culinary Dao".

Interestingly, on the third planet from the Sun, there were many spiritual practices, lost methods of cultivating spirit and body, and mental strength. But over the past millennia, centuries, out of a multitude of practices, really those who knew how to use them, about two dozen sects have survived around the world. Those who forgot were destroyed, scattered, their methods remained, but in the form of fragmentary knowledge. Type of Integral Yoga, Zen Practitioner, some Ch'an Buddhist cultivation practices.

Ancient knowledge of ideologists from South America and Latin America. Part of the knowledge of body cultivators was preserved in the martial arts of the Great Central Plains - kurash, wrestlers. India in the State of Kerala. In China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Russia, and other countries of the world. The remains of books on strengthening the body. Scattered, according to them, the fighters could no longer become spiritual cultivators. Each of these countries had its hidden sects who knew the secret of cultivation.

But there were also cheaters, such as Dara, who had magical powers from alien viruses. They were not cultivators, just their inner powers were activated and their instincts were increased to a maximum. Also, they could talk with those objects in which there were alien viruses. There were still people in the world who used external forces - crafting their tools.

At the same time, some simply believed in the power of the Creator, they were the most powerful of them. But they didn't even know about that. Thanks to their faith, no forces could exert pressure on them. The world of this planet was amazing and not everything about this world was known. Dara, however, was interested in studying the properties of products from his farm. So that you can sell them more profitably. How did he understand that his vegetables, herbs, have a healing effect! If you still understand how? Then you can increase karma points, improve relationships with the right people and ... become richer.

Dara did not want to be a politician, he knew that their life is not sweet. Baraz, who had served at one time in the security department of VVIP, told him about this. Little joy, the guards not only protected but also watched the "Object".

Intrigues, goats, conspiracies within the faction of the politician. Constant struggle both externally and internally. Within the family of a politician, there may be spies and traitors. There is no one to trust. Is this life?

No, Dara, I just wanted to have a well-fed and calm life. To have enough money for everything. Millions 30-40 would be enough for him. And more is not necessary. Big money - big and problems. So he used his cousin's experience in cooking. The cousin did not know about the powers of the Gift, and he, in turn, did not know that Shir-Ali was a cultivator. Therefore, if Dara gave Shir-Ali his products from the farm, then the healing properties of vegetables and fruits would double !!!