The truth about the gorge

"The connection was successful. Congratulations, you have contacted the Obaki Space Center to activate the spiritual ones.

There are two types of them. Activation has started. Wait for an answer.

" "You are in line 2". "

Activation of Black Spiritual Crystals - completed successfully. Activation Words - Cosmic dao 2. "

"Activation of blue spiritual crystals failed. The energy of the white crystals is lacking. "

Add two more white crystals. Dara, only mentally, imagined how two crystals are transmitting, they immediately disappeared from the clock slot, plus one more crystal. It seems the space operations center "Obaki" was still that greedy, rogue.

"Two crystals received. One crystal is taken for remote service, the Obaki space center is not a greedy rogue, unlike the fool of the owner. For the insult, 5 more white crystals will be written off, this is the first warning. "

"For the second time, the stupid owner will lose contact for 1 day and a fine of 10 white crystals will be charged." "Oh, you fucking!"

"What the hell"! "You can't swear at a stupid owner," two voices sounded simultaneous, beautiful as the ringing of bells from the Obaki center and nasal with an accent from smartwatches. Dara again received a lightning strike in the crown and temporarily disconnected.

When he came to his senses, he found that two slots with black and blue crystals were already activated in the watch. The code word for black is "cosmic dao 2", for blue "sea of ​​dao 3".

There was also an information note - "next time communication will be possible in 2 days, for emergency communication, you can use 10 white crystals of the middle level or one higher".

"We were glad to help, young idiot"!

"Stupid master, next time show restraint and be silent, swearing is painful and wasteful!"

Dara ... he just had no words. The world in which he found himself was stingy, greedy, punishment for mistakes followed immediately, the system was malicious and rude.

Dara, decided to try two more slots on the watch. He raised the screen first to the green crystals and then to the yellow ones. The system grumbled to him: "Crystals of the spirit - plants of the cosmic level, the supply of units 10,000,000".

"Crystals of the spirit - the earth of the highest level, the supply of a unit of energy 100,000".

"For unscheduled work after activation of the code words, an additional fee of 5 white crystals will be charged."

"The next opportunity to recruit a level will be possible only after the quest conditions are met."

Dara, this time was silent. He used the remaining white crystals to activate the code words for the green and yellow crystals.

For the green ones, the code word was "Green-dao of the Way" and for the yellow ones, "earth rat." These activation codes have strange names, Dara thought. Now he had no white crystals. White crystals were the domestic currency in this country's system and even more incomprehensible to the Obaki space operations center.

"There is nowhere to go, you will need to collect more of them, and then find out the reason for all these bones, stones and why I got here"?

Dara, began to collect white crystals when trying to put the clock in the slot, an announcement came out "the operation is not possible, you need to wait 1 day or load a turquoise crystal." Fuck!

Dara, struck down by a lightning strike. His hair was charred, his teeth spontaneously began to knock against each other. He forgot that it was now impossible to swear.

The system stopped reminding and immediately began to punish. After lying down, he thought that first, you need to make a place for the water source, and then let the water out of the crystal. Mentally imagining the shape of the source as a deep bowl, he activated the yellow crystals. Confirmation of successful operation came, "three crystals were spent".

"Some kind of completely outdated system, as in the days of analog computers, still a greedy, stingy, rude system." "Himself such, stupid and greedy, fool, idiot!"

The answer was there and then. "The young fool himself is the owner, as I think so I work."

"There will be more crystals, there will be more quests completed, there will be more new tool designs, and I will be more perfect."

"It's his fault, you lazy mediocrity"!


"Oh you… scribe" Dara began to swear, replacing harsh words with the equivalent of ordinary words. But this trick of his did not pass, he collapsed in a fit of wild pain, his legs were lost.

"Oh, you bastard! The system is also called ?! Why are you hitting me all the time "?

Dara, shaking with indignation. "I make you, young fool, it's better, it's not good to swear, especially in the presence of women, this is upbringing, some people like you don't understand the words, they need to be brought up with the use of force"!

"By the way, I will answer one of your questions - why are you here? Not there? It's simple, you were lazy there on the farm, and did not grow plants and did not study their medicinal properties, you were mired in greed, you only made money "!

"Now, you have to understand that you need to work, work hard to achieve a result, until you understand this, you will not return anywhere"!

Dara, writhing in pain, listened to this message on the floor of his ear. He was in pain, he was unbearable from the fact that he was being reprimanded by some system of how he should live!

What to do if he loved money, a lot of money! You can live with them for your pleasure, avoiding many difficulties.

What's bad about it? After all, this money, he, Dara, earned himself, with his mind, skills and did not steal from someone? He had time to think. But the more he lay, the more he wanted to drink.

Dara, exhausted from the heat, began to see all sorts of images, how large dragons fought with each other high in the sky, shedding green blood, mighty giants fell from heaven. Their still living bodies wriggled at the bottom of the gorge.

From the underground lakes that were under the rocks, black turtles crawled out, their magical hearts, contributed to the increase in life - an object, a person. If their hearts were embedded in kitchen utensils, then food cooked in this dish could increase a person's life by 1 year.

If the cook would also use spiritual herbs and the meat of spiritual animals, then a person's life expectancy could increase depending on the skill of the cook and the strength of the products contained in the products.

He saw a one-horned gray bull who fought with an evil three-legged toad, both of them died. But the heart of a stone, a bull embedded in shoes, allowed the owner to make it rain and walk on lakes and rivers the heart of a toad, placed in a chest or box, brought three gold coins to its owner every day.

The remains of mythical animals were scattered throughout the gorge, their flesh rotted, bones changed color, hearts turned into spiritual crystals.

The bones themselves also retained remnants of magical power. Sometimes one could see huge heads, with horns, of a lion, qinglina, their hearts made the object durable and brought prosperity and peace to the owner, protection from dark forces. Less often, one could find the skull of a lion and a horn in the middle of it, like a unicorn, but the name of this mythical creature was ludun, if you make skis or a hoop from its bones and heart, then you could understand any language of the world, understand where is the truth and where lie and move on land or water at a speed of 18 thousand li in 1 hour.

The pain was so powerful that it opened in Dar, previously blocked by superfluous feelings, his instincts, thanks to which in ancient times his ancestors were able to survive and live up to the 21st century.

In the digital age, instincts did not train, did not develop, therefore, for many modern people, they atrophied. The human body uses energy very efficiently, so those functions that are not used for a long time are abandoned. To spend energy on more necessary processes - thinking, digesting food, movement.

There were bones and Bashe, if you carry the stone constantly with you, it could relieve a person from pain in the heart, liver, and kidneys. Suan-ni, observation, and eruption of fire, which cannot be extinguished by water, his bones also lay in this gorge. Something attracted all these powerful creatures from myths to this gorge, unknown to no one.

But what was it? The vision never revealed, the secret, Dara. The disclosure of the secret, the secret of the gorge, had yet to be found out to him.

"Can I insult the system"?

"She will shock me and I will see the answer, reveal the secret"? "It's over, I will shock you so hard that you will get charred, you will have a crispy crust!"

"Stupid and greedy master"!

"Oh, you fucking!" Couldn't contain his annoyance, stupid Dara. His plan to cheat the system has failed! He received a really powerful electric shock, only this time he passed out from the shock, he did not see any visions. It didn't work to deceive the system! Dara was punished with pain, but he did not receive new knowledge.