Luxury gifts

To get access to the black guild of defenders of the other world, it was necessary to offer them something very valuable. Expensive. Useful. Unique. But from whatever one would not want to destroy the owner of such a gift, the gift should be valuable and at the same time make it clear that mistakes are not possible. You need complete submission and fulfillment of the will of the guest.

This information was given to him by one of Obaki, white crystals turned out to mean a lot for the culture of space ghosts. They were the source of their strength, their travels between worlds and communication with the patriarchs.

Dara did not want to delve into the essence of this knowledge, the less you know, the better you sleep. He was generally a temporary guest in this world. Therefore, he did not want to burden his mind with unnecessary and little useful information.

The main task was to find all 4 portals, activate them in sequence and go home to Earth.


"I wonder if these magical objects can be transferred to Earth in my world"?

- No! What are you doing? On Earth, there is no magic, the last 35 thousand years!

The system grunted.

"Gold, mephril"?

- Gold is possible! Mephril does not exist on Earth, so it will evaporate during transportation. - When teleporting, more than a certain amount of weight cannot be carried!

"Then it's not interesting!" "But you can probably always get around the rules"?

- Nobody tried it before!

"How much is your collaboration worth"?

"I buy your time and loyalty to me as a new temporary owner"!

- Oh! I'm not ready to say right away, you need to think ... The system has shut down.

"Do not understand this system when it speaks, and then it turns off."

Dara was no longer surprised at anything with this system.

"Apparently the system also needs energy to maintain itself."

"Let's rewrite the code, let it develop for itself and not for someone else!"

"Then don't expect a catch at the end!" Dara decided so. The simpler the solution, the more reliable. The basic principle of the Dara's life was - do not harm others just out of desire, do not offend people.

Then there will be peace in your soul and you will sleep peacefully. The rest is all from the evil one who is thrown with stones. Such was their traditional culture in the Great Central Asian Plains.

The culture of the era of the Great Silk Road. In the meantime, Dara was engaged in crafting in the morning, in the afternoon he explored the gorge, in the evening he collected crystals.

At night he slept and wondered what other tools he could create.

During my stay in the gorge, I was able to build myself a two-storey cottage, with a bed, a table, an armchair, a large bathhouse, and a kitchen.

Water and fire were available. Food. It was warm in the gorge. So you didn't have to worry too much about the warm bedspreads. In the basement, there were installations for the autonomous provision of energy, water, fire, various crystals, they were located in containers made of mithril.

The best option was to create intelligent golems endowed with their soul, just to give them mental command. The golems would already independently develop the tools, devices, weapons needed by Dara, would be engaged in repairing it, making more delicate work. The easy way.

Light. Without any difficulty. Dara, managed on a mental level, often making various crafts, weapons, jewelry, to hone his crafting craft.

Now his card could be placed in a button or bracelet, ring. The map appeared on the whole region, including not only empires, but also kingdoms, specific principalities, as well as previously unexplored lands. The map displayed data on gold, silver, copper, mephril, adamant ore, magic ore, energy crystals, cores of monsters of the "command" and "hurricane" class.

And also treasures, hiding places, magic weapons. The occurrence of dragon veins. The addition of new fintiflyushki and accessories to the jewelry contributed to the increase in the search capabilities of the card. New thematic layers and databases linked to them appeared.

With a detailed description of the properties, the history of creation and the bookmark of a cache or treasure, who, for what purpose, when, who was with him during the bookmark.

And also new thematic layers could be added to the map. Of course, if paid in advance, Dara could add new enchanted hardware to the item.

Provide support for 1 month, 1 year, 10 years to the source of information. And also to ensure the protection of the owner of the information. Made Dara and the security badge of the black guild, on a black background, a dark blue sign of a shield and a sword.

When the owner of the badge pressed it or mentally gave an order, or in case of danger, a protective barrier appeared at 100 meters.

Five exskeletons with laser cannons jumped out and crumbled everyone into cabbage within a radius of 5 km. A good gift with a card. Best. The patriarchs of the guild would be pleased, they were afraid, but they would not be able to do anything.

We would like to cooperate. Studied. It would be time to do your business and leave quietly.

Why shine? You can act in silence, but on occasion, destroy everyone. The Black Guild, as Obaki said, could, by his gift, give him protection and command from 10 to 1000 agents. For a year, two, five or ten years they would have guarded him, decided all cases with bandits, magistrate, prime minister, servants, nobles, secret guards, emperor. In fact, they could replace the emperor with the one they needed.

Dara, it was necessary to find the keys to 4 teleports. They could be found in food recipes, old books, maps carved on the walls of temples, or in the mountainous secret valleys of the sects.

But Dara, not smiling, ransacked every piece of all continents. Therefore, he needed the help of experts in finding information, and he also created new devices for finding materials and information.

Detection radars. The more he worked, the more he created, the more he knew information. The more complete the research map became, the more accurately he could look for not typical energy emissions.

And it could be just teleports or other magical tools. In the meantime, Dara, gathered his army and looked for an opportunity to go out and re-enter the gorge of monsters.

For a bribe of 100,000 white crystals, he learned what he needed to look for in order to find the entrance to the teleport to the outside world ...