I'll take the tail for myself!

In the evening, a small group of 5 black giants stopped in the steppe, a fat man on the side of a green animal with a sweet expression on his face. Golems collected grass, deer grass, to make healthy tea for the owner.

Suddenly, a huge snake head appeared from the thick grass, it rushed to the cute animal. This was the last thing she did in her life. The cute animal barked, and the snake died of a broken heart.

Dara, cut off his head so that the poison would not spread through the body and tail. In this type of snake, the tail was the tastiest.

Snake meat, somewhat reminiscent of chicken. He remembered the stories of his other Fang from Chengdu, how he cooked snakes in the village. They caught the snake, washed it, pulled out the entrails, put leaves and roots inside, boiled it together with bones and skin so that the meat would not smell.

Then a little soybean paste, salt, edible roots were added and 1 tablespoon was poured from a bottle in 1 jin of oil. And then they pulled out the bones, broke them with a stone, wrapped them in a rag and boiled them again, adding vegetables pickled in soybean paste. It turned out to be a delicious and tender broth.

But these are the Chinese tricks of cooking healthy food.

Dara, could eat snake meat, it was considered not recommended for consumption, but not prohibited. If it was for health purposes. Snake meat helped to heal the eyes and liver. True, the meat of the magic snake, how it could affect the body, the fat man did not know. At the same time, he had the functionality of stones to protect against any type of poison, infection, bacillus, microbe.

A universal healer. And the meat was tasty, tender, the texture crunched pleasantly on the teeth, fragrant, the fat man felt how he was filled with strength and vitality. All the same, traveling across continents was a very good idea.

Cooking journey and karma improvement. Dara thought so. "Master! Who are you"? Dara, heard a choked voice. Turning around, I saw dejected warriors, in old and tattered leather armor. They had bows in their hands, behind them rare arrows in quivers.

Sharp and stern eyes. Creases on the forehead and mouth. Dry skin. Weathered. Hungry glitter in the pupils. Springy gait.

"This is our land"!

"Who are you, dear guest"?

- I am Dara, from the country of the Great Central Steppes!

- I am from 9 genera! A clan of warriors and merchants!

- I'm a blacksmith, crafting master!

- Our battle cry is the Good Rich!

- Our coat of arms is the inverted head of the Wild Bull! Our lineage is from the Middle Horde Squad!

- There are 1 million wagons in our family!

- My father Parviz, grandfather - Firuz, great-grandfather - Mirza, father of great-grandfather - Mergen, grandfather of great-grandfather Bolt, great-grandfather of great-grandfather - Mart, father of great-grandfather of great-grandfather - Ainly!

- I'm a traveler!

- This is my retinue!

He turned and pointed with his right hand at a hundred giant warriors, a hundred destroyer golems and a cute animal of an incomprehensible color.

- I came, ate, left, all this is your meat, bones, teeth, tongue, wings, spirit stone. I don't need this! He waved his hand and large jugs appeared.

- Here is the blood of a snake!

- My gift to you, proud nomads!

- I'll only take the tail!

- The head of the snake is yours!

A green light appeared, the fat man, the animal, the golems, the giants and the snake's tail all disappeared in an instant! In the place where the fat man stood, there were light bows, many tens of thousands of arrows of various types, sabers, axes, lances. Leather and bone armor. Horses of a strange breed. Bags of rice, millet, barley, peas, salt. Gourmet gift, nomads.

For centuries, this meeting was remembered in the steppe ...

The one who saved their family from the monster snake, fed the tribe, gave them a weapon that did not break for 100 years! Gave food, merchandise, bones, stones, snake skin! Making them strong and rich! Dara, the wizard, the powerhouse among the nomads! Though of a different kind!