Time to find a chef

Dara, didn't like the air, it was covered in dust. His black fur coat was covered with a white and red bloom. It was very cold and hungry. The fat man rummaged in his caraman, took out some magic instrument with a white crystal, lifted it up and from there came the sound of "puff".

Turned off the light, a small ball flew up. Then there was a huge noise in the sky, light, thunder, lightning flashed, then there was a huge explosion in the sky!

The light turned greenish at first, then bright white, then black with orange glow along the edges. The sky became clear, blue, the air was very fresh. On the ground, leaves, mountains, trees, roofs of houses, not even a whisper of dust and sand remained in the air. The white monsters were especially happy about this, since their skins also turned white and not the grayish gray as before. Of course, the rumors, as always, were more than reality.

White monsters did not eat people, and they themselves were people, just a different kind. Highlanders of the previous era of Giants who lived in the era of the last glaciers.

A small tribe survived in the hard-to-reach mountain valleys. There were only 10,000 of them in the other world, but who knew that their empire lies in a lost continent, there were their main families, several million people.

But no one knew about this. Dara, too, did not know, but he presented them with a strange magic instrument, and that one could transfer all people from one square to another. Where they really wanted to move. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

The fat man did not live for hundreds of thousands of years, he only had 25 years of experience and some stories he heard from his grandfather, a general of the secret police. Not a very useful and rich experience! Therefore, his decisions were at times immature, not objective, chaotic, hasty, but on the other hand, he was not a harmful person!

The cold is gone, replaced by warmth. The grass began to quickly make its way through the sod, and in less than a minute everything was covered with dense greenery. The animals, frozen to the bone, began to crawl out of their dens to warm their bones in the sun and clear their lungs of dust.

All the filth is gone. Somewhere on another planet, all the towers of the magicians suddenly disappeared, and the ruler's palace evaporated.

This time there were no casualties. But the ruler realized that this was a warning. In other planets, they also knew about the vengeful fat man who could destroy anyone. The invasion was canceled before it even started.

Nobody knew about this and found out. But that's a different story. Dara did not like problems, suffering, and also demonstrating his coolness. He didn't think he was cool, he was just hungry. Sometimes angry, when hungry, when in front of his eyes, they try to take something away from him. He hit right away without speaking.

He was not cruel, he was not a maniac, but everyone saw him that way. Indeed, from the outside, everything seemed in a different light.

"I want to eat! The aroma of meat, something's gone!"

"In the other world with you, the only thing that is good is food!"

"And people are some stupid, aggressive, they immediately grab a weapon!"

"It's the same story on Earth, if there is no argument in resolving disputes, then they will bomb out, invade other peoples, seize resources, impose their ideology. Imperialists! If there is no argument - strong diplomacy or the ability to be flexible and negotiate with everyone. to be well-fed, rich, well-fed people, free ".

"In another world, power decides everything, I do not know the language perfectly, so masterly mastering a word is not about me"!

"It's easier, once in the face, once in the belly, to hit, sweep away everyone, so that everyone will walk in silence"!

- Sir, you are saying it wrong! Here in this world, people also understand diplomacy! The white monster suddenly objected. What was unexpected for the fat man ...

"Well, brother, you were surprised!" Only the fat man could mumble.

"In short, let's go to eat, and we'll leave all the reflections for later!"

"Any objections"?

- No, Sir, you are right!

The strange group continued their descent towards the reappearing aroma of baked meat with medicinal herbs. Dara, a good cook was needed, but he had a lot of meat !!! The tail of a monster snake, for example, was still about 300 meters in diameter 10 meters.

The door of the tavern opened. The adventurers froze and could not budge, their backs were nailed to each other. The swords became heavy and fell at their feet.