Girl's wishes

Dara, laughing cheerfully, now the question of finding the Dawn metal crystals was in his hat, that is, almost resolved.

- Girl, you have done me a great service!

- What do you want as a reward?

- Speak, don't be afraid ?!

The girl was silent, looking at the fat man in surprise. Then she resolutely finished her last sip of herbal infusion. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She took a deep breath and exhaled air. She scratched the back of her head with her fingers. She squatted down.

"Fat uncle, I want you to find my older brother, cure my mother and grandmother, help find my father and uncle and all the missing elders from the village"!

- Everything? Don't you need anything else?

- Tasty food? Nice warm clothes?

- Protection from animals, monsters and people?

- Gold and silver coins?

- Power, influence?

"Fat uncle, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"If dad is at home, he will find us food, save us from monsters, asking for more is not good!"

"Mom, she always says, be content with less, that's what good kids do!"

- What to say? Your parents are very wise and good people!

- But you deserve a greater reward, so I'll give you the rest from myself!

- Is it surprising to meet in this world such an innocent child who has not yet steeped in politics and has not become greedy for money ?!

"Uncle, find a brother!"

"Cure Mom"!

- Okay, okay, I get you.

-Let's find! We will cure, we will feed!

The girl smiled brightly through her tears and reached out with her hand for a piece of meat. Looking questioningly at the fat uncle. He waved his hand, it is possible already, the medicinal drink restored the balance of forces, restored her health. Now it was possible to eat meat, it would give her satiety and energy.

After paying 1,000 white crystals to the Obaki space control center, Dara saw a complete map of the area where the gnomes lived, as well as all the inhabitants of the gnomes in this area.

New technologies were very convenient in this medieval world. A large panel appeared in front of Dar's eyes with detailed information about the gnomes. The location where they were now, pedigree, names and surnames, age, profession, level of cultivation, strength, vitality. What hurt and how to treat.

Although this was already superfluous information, since Dara had a health gas. He cured all diseases of the other world and was more effective in healing. Some patients were so weak that they could no longer swallow or drink.

Therefore, hard capsules or liquids were not suitable. And he penetrated the gas through the respiratory system, the iris of the eyes, the pores of the skin. The action was almost instantaneous.

This drug alone did not heal, death. For this was already under the jurisdiction of the Higher Forces!

The older brother, the girl, was lying in one of the mines of the mine, exhausted, he was sleeping, exhausted by the useless search for his younger sister.

Traces of tears and snot were visible on his cheeks. Little boy. Dara, beautifully snapped the fingers on his right hand.

A moment later, the sleeping baby was lying near the sister's feet. An hour passed, the brother also drank an infusion of herbs, while holding the pen with his right hand to his sister, who was already sleeping in a happy dream on his lap.

The village of gnomes was located in an inconvenient place, all resources within a radius of many tens of kilometers had already dried up. The air in the area where the village was located was bad. The pollution is high, life-threatening for weakened creatures.

There were many patients with anemia and exhaustion.

The mother and relatives of the children were on the verge, between this world and sending to another.

They were malnourished for many days and nights. Their younger brothers cried in their sleep from hunger.

An unpleasant sight. At first, Dara planned to simply open a mine, transfer simple crafting technologies so that the dwarves could mend their economies. But in this situation, when on the one hand, people were preparing an attack on them.

On the other hand, the depletion of natural resources. With a third, there was no one to trade with, since there was minimal trust. The best thing here is relocation, migration. But where? You can't trust humans or elves.

They will betray on the basis of their mercantile interests. Therefore, Dara decided to fulfill the girl's request by simply resettling all the gnomes in their village in the lower part of the valley of monsters. There were outlets of water, a river, berries, on the slopes of the valley there were deposits of gold, silver, iron, mephril ore.

And also Dara, there he grew gardens and orchards. Settled fish in reservoirs. There were also mountain sheep and goats. So the gnomes could be engaged in agriculture, raising livestock for food, and collecting.

Hone the art of crafting and blacksmithing. Thanks to the multi-layered barriers, no one would disturb their peace. Gnomes could and are learning martial arts. Dara, found ancient and forgotten books of the gnomes, ancient manuscripts. Gas quickly enveloped the squalid village, it plunged into a magical fog.

The elders and hidden patriarchs of the village sensed the invasion of foreign forces. But they could not do anything, they were also enveloped in this gas. Everyone fell into a short sleep. And when they opened their eyes the next morning, they were shocked. They were healthy! Full of strength and vitality! Old women and old people, children and women. Most importantly, their men slept on the ground next to them. With smiles on their faces.