I'll take them with me!

Dara's, attention was attracted by the strange shapes of the structure, huge spaces underground were dotted with tunnels. The architectural building was a square inside which was a sphere with some kind of liquid substance.

The square stood in a round square. Around the building was a guard of gnomes and black elves, dressed in full armor. They were strong, stunted gnomes, with good, one might even say rich, weapons. The black elves wore mithril armor. Judging by the armament, it was not typical for this era. Dara, suggested that the weapons correspond to the era of war between the nations of the five continents.

Were these old veterans who managed to hide after the defeat?

Were these young warriors who inherited the weapons of their ancestors?

He did not know, but it was clear that this was either ritual weaponry, or that the underground inhabitants did not have their own blacksmiths. This would indicate that the inhabitants of the dungeon rather survived than lived on a grand scale, since they did not have developed the craft of forging, did not have developed technologies.

They were wearing what was left after the battles. If you look closely at the monitor, you could see that the armor had holes in places, weapons with notches on the steel or mephril blade of the blades. The proud eagle profiles of the dwarves and black elves showed weariness and hunger.

The inhabitants of the underworld survived, hiding from people and their magical tools, they were protecting something very significant, and this is what interested Dara.

What's this? Most likely, ruins older than those he saw on another continent. By increasing the clarity of the information visualization tool, adding a few more white crystals, Dara saw lower floors. There walked skinny, whitish from the fact that they had not seen the sun and full food for a long time, children, women, old people, cripples with terrible wounds, no arms or legs, with scars.

Stews of roots, whitish fish and crabs were cooked on fires. These medicinal roots allowed the inhabitants of the dungeon to survive, to drag out a miserable existence, like their proud relatives in the forest village.

These were the remnants of the army of gnomes and civilians from the fallen mountain fortresses, those who covered the retreat of the imperial army of gnomes and the color of the nation to another continent.

- I will return for you, my children, I do not know when, but I will return!

The emperor, of the gnomes, with a sullen and dark face, stepped into the liquid sphere and disappeared, followed by ministers, retinue, wives and children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The emperor's army was enveloped in a purple glow and they all disappeared.

There was no longer the huge, defeated army of the Dwarf emperors on the northern continent. They were covered by the remnants of the garrisons of mountain fortresses, the people's militia, units that escaped from the magical attack of the elite units of the heavy cavalry. Local residents, artisans and traders, their families.

They were all left behind. There was not enough space for all. The remnants of the dwarf army held back the advance of humans, monsters and demons. And the civilians fled. Among them were three magicians who knew that during the time of the dragons of destruction, this area was their nest. It was there that they created on the remnants of their magical powers, a new city of salvation, a dungeon. There the civilians hid, and then the remnants of the army returned.

A miracle happened, a flash of greenish color appeared, a coin "Jiang" flashed in the sky and all people, monsters and demons froze. The dwarves and black elves were separated by an invisible barrier. In the heads of all these unfortunate people who prepared to sacrifice their lives to save the civilians, in order to give them time to leave, to be saved, a clear voice sounded: "Run into the dragon's mouth"!

As soon as the last dwarf disappeared into the dungeon, his neck suddenly closed. And in the dungeon everything was enveloped in light green light. For the first decades, the light was bright, there was an abundance of water sources, as well as in underground lakes and rivers there were enough fish and crabs.

They were white, without eyes, but fat. The roots of medicinal plants grew along the banks of the reservoirs. They looked like a coin, round with a square hole in the middle.

Over time, the light became faded, the fish became thinner, and the crabs became smaller. But the roots were in abundance. The gnomes continued to live, explore dungeons, build new tunnels and try to break out to the surface.

The emperor never returned for them. Surprisingly, the life expectancy in the dungeon was increased, people did not get sick, but they lost weight. The three remaining magicians fell asleep, they ran out of almost all magical powers.

And without them, the gnomes could not activate the communication device on the back. Here, hesaw all this in Dara's retrospective.

"I'm sorry for them, I'll take them with me!"