Northern continent

Lonely figure. Freezing. Very cold. All living beings sit in lairs or houses.

Alone figure walks through a snowstorm. Surprisingly goes only in one light "kurta" shirt. Behind this figure, golden and black eyes, an ancient northern dragon, are vigilantly watching, not all of them have left the continents inhabited by people.

The ancient dragon was interested in the aura of pressure coming from this small figure. The dragon felt that this figure was not of this world, it was the same ancient creature as he was, and maybe even older.

The aura of pressure forced the snowflakes, the icy wind, to recede from this figure. Silent ice field. Dara's army, meanwhile, was pushing deeper into the northern continent. With him walked the silent Captain and 20 of his people, who did not yet know about the quarrel between them. But Dara quickly flared up and also quickly retreated. In the underground city, he found a map of portals.

The binding there was to the west, so I had to turn to the Obaki space center, his cheat assistant. For a certain amount of white crystals, Dara received the decoding of the map, which was entered into his virtual radar.

There were now 12 portals glowing on him, which he had to check. Emperors, kings of large kingdoms, leaders of monsters, humans, demons, ancient dragons, and ice monsters stared into their crystal balls in horror. It was two directions.

The first is an innumerable army of strange creatures that inspire fear, a lack of understanding of how such a creature can move at all, and a fat magician who, without making any effort, just sat in the air.

This huge army went straight into the depths of the northern continent into the very darkness, where the very horror was found, from which they all fled. In the other direction, they looked beyond the country to a figure that crossed the northern continent from west to east. He walked in a thin shirt in frost and a snowstorm (by earthly standards it was minus 90 degrees).

Not a single living being could pass there. In addition to the "ice darkness". These creatures were known only by rumors, no one could go to the north of the continent.

Many expeditions simply disappeared. Dara chuckled. He wondered how gullible the creatures of this world were. After all, it is obvious that behind any myth lies a simple calculation, to scare, to deceive. He smiled slyly, he knew what was behind these fictitious creatures.

The black elves were masters of inducing illusions, clouding the consciousness of living beings, and manipulating them. Therefore, they were expelled by the ancient elves and their descendants, the wood elves, into the desert lands. After this exiled race lived for a long time in the dungeons near the volcanoes, their skin turned black, they so adapted to the changes in the environment.

Survived. But they retained their hatred for unjust relatives, who plunged them into the abyss of suffering because of innocent jokes. In the far north, the black elves, who love warmth and heat, were able to adapt by building underground cities.

Surprisingly, a dragon vein passed under the ground of the far north, radiating heat. But not seeing the sun, not basking under its rays, they suffered. The black elves have lived in this region, which is not hospitable to living beings, for the past few centuries.

The dark haze prevented Dar's radar beams from breaking through. In such clusters of darkness, those who did not want to be found still lurked! The army and the fat mage disappeared, dissolving into a wall of darkness.

And the figure that crossed the west and east turned and suddenly headed north, in the wake of the disappeared army. For some reason, the faces of the fat man and this strange figure resembled each other.

Was it relatives? The leaders of the tribes of monsters, demons, people, ice monsters with horror and shudder began to think, why would they need such an attack? Two relatives, two monsters will now destroy their poor world for sure!!!

The ancient dragons, on the other hand, smiled mysteriously, their dull world could become more cheerful, they expected it in anticipation.