Snake meat

In the other place. This northern kingdom was famous for its food. They served wonderful baked northern snake meat of a level 9 monster. The meat was rich in fats, proteins, life energy. It was very difficult to get such a snake living in the dark waters of frozen lakes.

Surprisingly, the snake used only energy cores in writing and did not eat meat. Snake meat was considered to be the best medicine for prostration and healing of any kind of inflammation and wounds. To get the snake, adventurers of the rank of AAA were required - three tanks, three wizards, three doctors, three archers and two adventurers of the rank of "SSS".

The price of one small portion of snake meat was worth 10 supreme power energy crystals or 1 billion large gold coins. The piece of meat was only 300 grams. It could only be eaten by people at the level of "aaa" rank adventurers or a cultivator at the "Qi" transformation stage *. There were few such people in this northern country. But they were.

Those who ruled this kingdom were the descendants of the northern barbarians, they were proud, intolerant, they evaluated everything only by strength. Therefore, they oppressed everyone who was not stronger than them and kowtowed before the strong.

A typical unfair kingdom of an era of extreme savagery. But according to rumors, they cooked for the northern continent very tasty there. The kingdom was protected from snow monsters by three protective barriers. To their misfortune, the fat magician liked to eat well, in addition, although he was quiet but quick-tempered, although he quickly departed.

Fat man, already found two portals, alas, they were completely destroyed. But this did not stop him, he bought the Obaki Center, a mobile center for transmitting information flows, for a bribe and activated them. Leaving to guard a hundred universe destruction class bots. He needed to activate 12 of these portals. It was this geolocation that was needed in order to launch the main 13th portal for transferring to the continent forgotten by everyone.

When all the portals on all continents were activated, the main portal opened, which could transfer him to the universe to the third planet, to his world. And it was Dara, who was very angry at those who arranged such a transfer of him to another world, so he did not want to joke.

According to his plans, he was supposed to be transported back to his world as early as three months ago in the month of January. But his plans were not fulfilled. However, he loved good food. Somebody is out of luck.

Dara, along with ten companions, walked calmly through all these barriers and headed to the dining room, where they were rumored to be preparing a delicious snake. His relative at that time was on his way to the same kingdom.

The poor inhabitants and rulers of the kingdom will have to face disaster twice in their lives, but which will probably teach them to treat other people with due reverence and be fair. In order not to end up with knocked out teeth in the future.

Good lesson, better than a million words. In today's world, small countries had to have dexterous professional diplomats who knew how to choose such allies who could protect them from trouble. It was mutually beneficial.

Observing the principle of counterweights, the balance of power. If such a path seemed difficult to them, then they needed to have a deterrent weapon - a powerful strategy of high-tech weapons or super weapons such as a gravity rocket in Earth orbit. Otherwise, no peace treaties, agreements, pacts worked, since the aggressors of the imperialists could violate them, and the world would stand and watch the country and people disappear in a flame of fire.

Therefore, in Asia, they knew that there was no better ally than the Tang Empire, as long as their technology was at its best, they could provide support to others, but over time, their invincible army and military technology became obsolete. Then the allies were defeated. But one empire was simply replaced by another.

In Asia, therefore, they found a universal weapon against powerful empires - plasticity, the water method, to take the form of any empire, and small countries survived for thousands of years. True, they had a different status, not independent, but vassal, a colony of empires, which had existed for 3 thousand years.


The city was surrounded by five city walls, they divided the capital into bazaar, crafts, trade, knights and noble quarters.

On the rock there was a large castle with the ruler of these lands. He was aware of rumors about a terrible and bloodthirsty fat magician, an alien who mercilessly cracks down on different races and spreads terror there. However, the king did not spread this to the nobles.

Only the inner circle knew about it. Yesterday he drank too much, so now he and his inner circle were asleep. Meanwhile, a fat man wearing strange clothes and a cloak entered the realm capital with a group of escorts.

Apparently, this fat man was some important person, probably a merchant. He walked confidently.

At the level of the first gate, the guards blocked his way to the city. The fat man showed a pass in the form of a rectangle carved from a crystal of power, where it was written "Important guest - of the black Shield and Sword Guild" and on the reverse side was the inscription "Number 0"!

The young guards didn't want to let pass, as they didn't know about such a pass. But in a moment, their lifeless bodies were already lying in front of the entrance, like hundreds of bodies near the gates, merchants, artisans, thieves, robbers, adventurers, in the guardroom everyone froze and could not move.

They didn't die, they just passed out for a while. Time seemed to freeze around. Nobody could move. The secret guard of the king also froze in their brains, only the thought flashed through the city that someone better not to anger had come to the city, otherwise the city, no, the whole country would no longer be.

They could no longer warn of this terrible news. Froze. Soon, any thoughts about their duty disappeared, everyone fell into a long sleep. In the dream, everyone was crying and screaming out loud.

Nobody heard them. The soldiers of the guard saw terrible monsters that looked like cockroaches that tickled their heels with their paws. The guards wet themselves. Grimaces full of suffering froze on their faces. There is no cure for regrets, as the wise Chinese used to say. But they don't seem to know about it. The fat man walked confidently in the direction of the canteen where they sold snake meat, which was so praised in the northern continent. The people between whom he passed froze. Dara remembered reading Chinese fantasy stories, that in canteens and cities there were always some idiots who liked to create problems out of the blue. Therefore, it is easier to avoid a cliché plot and solve all problems in advance, preventively.

Which he did. He came to the dining room, went straight to the kitchen, took the already prepared order from the plate. The meat shimmered with mother-of-pearl tones, like a shell, the smell was similar to fish, which Dara did not like.

Wrinkling his nose, he took a piece of elastic meat with his hand and bit off. His face wrinkled more, this is clearly not the taste he expected. When bitten, the elastic texture turned into slime with a strong fishy smell.

What about energy? It had no effect on the fat man. Since it was clearly not enough for him. He moved away from the dish, making a displeased face. Wasted my time. It seems that all the other world's food was not suitable for the average person from Earth. The other world had its own preferences and tastes.

Throwing on the plate the core of the destruction of the continent, which was equal to 1000 supreme energy crystals, he left the city, snapping his fingers, an hour after his departure, the city came to life.

No one remembered that he was in this city. The chef of the restaurant only remembered, he saw through the veil of sleep, that someone very strong came, bit his work of culinary art and grimaced a very displeased face.

Dropped the core and left. It was a slap in the face for the boss. Now his obsession was to find the one who came to them and become his personal chef to cook what he liked. Otherwise he won't be able to cook again. In the wake of the departed fat man, the chief also left. But that's another story.

Dara, although he was called a gourmet, but unlike them, he knew little about the history of cooking dishes from different countries, he did not know some subtleties and methods. Therefore, it could rather be called a lover of delicious food, healthy food or moderately healthy food. And his personal chef was a cousin, Shir-Ali.

Dara, himself knew how to cook, but he did cooking hastily, quickly, the food turned out to be normal, it was possible to eat, but he rarely succeeded in such a way that it was very tasty. He was always in a hurry to get somewhere.

When he cooked really delicious food, he no longer had the strength to design and serve food.

Dara, however, directed his steps to where his countless army was waiting, deep into the continent. Shir-Ali, however, suddenly changed direction and again rushed after his cousin.

They laughed at the guards for a long time that on the first day they pissed their pants.

