GODOPEDIAOLOGY keeps on moving down and down and finally reaches a place which operates upside down and in this place there is no sky, instead you have ground on the top and ocean on the bottom.
GODO doesn't know to swim and when he looks up(that is down) he sees only water everywhere. His head starts to ache. Everything looks upside down and GODO really doesn't know what type of world was that.
GODO wakes up and finds lava ocean on the top of his head. Now he couldn't bear the excessive heat of the ocean. He once again becomes unconscious due to the tremendous heat of the lava.
GODO after sometimes wakes up and finds icy mountains on the top of his head but he is on the same ground. He can't walk fearing he would fall down on the mountains.
But GODO was optionless and had to remain brave. So he decided to walk slowly by not looking down.
He started to walk, the moment he started walking, the icy mountains cracked into 2 parts and GODO once again fell in the deep crack of the mountains. GODO kept on sinking down and down.
GODO became totally exhausted and went into deep coma. It seemed as if he couldn't sustain because he was now more than a dead man.
The unknown world was in such a manner that it made GODO a dead corpse. Days passed by and one fine time(the place had no day or night) a fragrance from somewhere lured GODO's nose and he kept following the place from where the fragrance came.
GODO saw a cave. The smell came from the cave. GODO tried to go inside the cave but he couldn't. Someone held him tightly and didn't leave him to go inside the cave. The unknown force tried to pull him from the cave side.
Suddenly a burning colorful flame came towards GODO and burned him. But GODO stayed harmless from the fire, the fire burnt that unknown force that held GODO tightly.
The moment the unknown force left GODO, he moved in a more doubled force and fell down somewhere inside the cave. He got terribly hurt and fell down unconscious.
After sometime he woke up. He finds himself in a very long cave with very long way. GODO feels hungry and hadn't ate anything for days. So he feels tried and distressed.
He couldn't even raise his hands. He finds it harder to open his eyes and mouth. He is able to breathe but the air wasn't oxygen and it smelled too dirty. He was suffering from a terrible suffocation and was about to breathe his last.
GODO saw his soul coming out of the body. His position was too worster. He now felt it is good to die instead of staying alive and started dashing his head strongly on the ground.
The ground unable to resist his strokes cracks down and GODO once again falls deep, very deep into some unknown place. He falls into the ocean of mixed drinks and since he was completely thirsty he drank a lot of drinks and became totally unconscious.
After quite a long time he awakes and finds that some unknown light is shining on his eyes and what he sees is a unknown island. Now GODO is able to breathe properly and the air seemed like the oxygen.
GODO after inhaling it for hours regains some power to stand up lit bit and the world is no more upside down. Everything seems normal. He sees no trees and in great distress dugs deep in the ground. He sees something and after digging it further deep he gets the potatoes.
GODO thanks GOD and searches for the dry grass and stones. But he gets nothing. Deeply furious he says some unknown terms and the moment he says and touches the potatoes. It roasts completely and cuts into chips.
GODO is confused but also dying with hunger. So he finishes of the potatoes within no time. Now GODO regains some power in his body.