Reborn As A Baby

Magicians people with magic power who study magic and spell Nobel around the world treat them like a treasure and commoner see them as a symbol of peace why is that well because a magician soul is the world greatest treasure than anything because all the magic they learn and theorize they imprinted in there soul instead of brain and the person who obtain there soul can learn there spell there was a time when people hunt them for power or to rule the world it all stop by the one person everyone knows him as Magister Lord Vrudel commoner see him as a symbol of peace and pride and Nobel see him as a world greatest treasure and Magicians around the world see him as there leader and savior. but today is the day they lost there leader and symbol of peace he's leaving this world and takes the world peace with him and the world will soon turn chaotic.

Vrudel uses his magic to send his soul out in the space. he can go back in time but to him, he has nothing left and there nothing for him to return in the first place all he think when he sends his soul into space is to wait and turn in to nothingness but soon he will find a new place then create his new legend and new things to explore.


Blade and Sword Continent Heavenly fire city in a grand castle there is a baby crying can be heard in the room.

Servant: "Master it is a boy and he is born with two bloodlines one is yours and another one is....."

Before that servant girl complete her word her master slap her and make her stop.

Master: "don't ever mention that bitch around me and take my son away from her and throw her in the dungeon"

once he orders the servant steel the baby from the mother and leaves her be.


What the where am I, what is that sound ahh it is hurt around my body Vrudel open his eye and try to say something but all he heard was a baby cry from his mouth but suddenly he feels a gentle and comfortable feeling he looks at the source he sees a beautiful woman holding him she looks like a goddess the most beautiful person he ever sees she has beautiful shiny black hair which is rear around his world and jade-like skin she has grayish eyes with little bit green shade in it looking at him with pink rosy lips were smiling at him soon every person there stop and stand there with silent if a pin would drop you can hear it clearly soon the door was open and a majestic man comes in the room you can look and tell he is someone is wealthy Vrudel look around and see what is going on he heard one of the servant girls says to that man

Servant: "Master it is a boy and he is born with two bloodlines one is yours and another one is....."

Vrudel watch that girl getting a slap and finally realize what is going on it is look like he was reborn as a baby in this house and that fairy-like woman was his mother and that man was his father when he heard his ward about that woman he was angered he tries to teach them a lesson but he can't even control his body much and less do something all he can do is watch people taking him by force and he finally heard a voice from that woman lips

Woman: "It is ok my son I will save you from those monster just wait for me"

he watches her loving caring eyes and all he thought was even if he has to die again, at last, save her from her misery. but right now his body is not powerful enough to do anything.

Master: "my son look at me you have my bloodline in you one day you will stand right where I am and make every one trembling around your feet"

Vrudel look at his eyes and can feel something familiar yes those look in his eyes are the most familiar thing in his last life the look of looking at a tool he swears he will get strong fast and save her so she can live happily he didn't care about his life after all in his mind he lives long enough.