Heart And Soul

Demon Wolf Mother standing in front of him and whats more in her mouth there is a shining blue crystal.

Vurdel: "is that a frost magic core and very powerful at that"

Demon Wolf Mother put the magic core in front of him and looks at him in the eyes like she was giving to him.

Vurdel: "I can't take it. it is too much"

Demon Wolf Mother push the core to his side.

Vurdel: "fin I will return the favor in the future I promise"

Demon Wolf Mother turn around and go back to her son. Vurdel took the frost element core and start to examining he knows that with this his frost element might become powerful enough to rival his SpaceTime magic is right now but he can not do that even if he fully recovers he cannot save her with his power level and by the look of her internal structure nothing can save her he can tell by the looks of it she will die in a year or even less. but right now with this core, the only thing can save her right now is his SpaceTime element.

but right now his body can't use the SpaceTime element but who do you think he is he was the world most power Magician sure he can not use his SpaceTime Magic but he can achieve the same result by using the frost core.

he creates a magic circle and places his mother in the center of it and walk to the Demon Wolf Mother.

Vurdel: "hi there madam wolf as you know my mother body is also injured so I am going to fix it by using the core you give me but when I will do that there will be lots of crazy things will be going around in that circle so please don't approach it"

Demon Wolf Mother nod and looks of concern in her eyes

Vurdel: "don't worry about me I will be fin it is me after all"

after saying that he turns around and got into the magic circle and place the frost core beside his mother his eyes starting to glow he connect his soul to his mother heart he is going to share his SpaceTime elements vain to his mother body and then use the magic core as the power source and that magic circle will let her body use the SpaceTime magic by using his vain all he got to do is maintain it.

Vurdel: "there's go nothing"

Magic circle start to glow with the frost core and dust particles start going up in the air from the ground and a shockwave comes after from his mother body which turns down the fire Vurdel can feel the pressure coming from her mother body, his vain, and the magic core to his sole he knows he might not be able to maintain it the whole time before it don but right now all he can do is do his best. sometime after another shockwave come from his mother body but this time more powerful.


Demon Wolf Mother watch him doing his magic she can't understand it but she knows that this boy is abnormal she can also feel a mysterious force start to gather around the cave which she did not feel in her life that was the SpaceTime element, after all, it was the most rear of all suddenly another shockwave comes after from them this time that shockwave even got close to touch her she was going to sheld her son but that shockwave was stopped by an invisible force


now she finally knows that this boy has already put a countermeasure against it she was shocked by it she knows that she can handle this type of power easily but never would have thought that boy who has started attacking her first would not just save her son and also think of not harming them after even in this situation when she sees his face there is pain all over it there is even blood coming out of his nose she wants him to stop she might even go out and stop him but she stops her self she knows how he feels just like her when she will do everything for her son. he was doing everything for his mother suddenly she starts seeing him as his own son.


another shockwave was passed through the magic circle after every shockwave he can feel his mother body become a year younger blood coming out of his nose he knows he might not be able to handle it.



every shockwave was equal to turning her body one year before and the more shockwave comes out it will be more powerful than the previous one. blood started coming from his mouth from the fifth shockwave.



Vurdel lost consciousness on the sixth shockwave Demon Wolf Mother run to him and start feeding him some herbs which she gathers for her son and put him beside her son and start covering him but suddenly she feels a powerful force behind her. when she turns around she sees a woman standing around there she can feel life-threatening pressure coming from her which forced her to the ground with power.


Mother: "What the hell are you doing to my son".