Neo Colt

(Elektra's POV)

Remember that best friend I was talking about. You know the one that I left behind without saying goodbye bye. Well this is him. The man that is standing before me was the boy I had to leave behind. His name is Neo Colt.

I remember the first day we had met. It was all the way back in preschool. I was getting one of my pig tails pulled by some bully and I was crying, but then Neo made the bully stop. He pushed the boy down and said to him "You don't touch her".The boy got scared and ran away and then he came up to me. I was still crying a little and he gave me a tissue. I looked up at Neo and said thank you with a little smile. Ever since that day, we were inseparable. Well that was until the day I left.

"N-Neo?" I said softly again. He nodded and I didn't even realize that I had shed a tear. All this time while I was in hiding, I always wondered what had happened to him. I honestly thought he was going to hate me for leaving so suddenly but he didn't look mad. He looked more in shock. I never thought I would see him again but now that he is front of me, I don't even know how to face him.

Before I could say anything, he walked towards me and pulled me into a big hug. At this point I was in total shock. "You left me." he said softly and those words hit me hard. I buried my face into his chest and started to cry. "I didn't mean to leave you. I didn't have a choice." I said into his chest while sobbing. It was muffled but I knew he heard me because he hugged me even tighter.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but we separated from each other when someone coughed next to us. We both looked at Damon who was the one who coughed. I quickly wiped my tears away, realizing that we were in front of an audience still and just stayed looking at the ground. "Okay Students you are dismissed." Dean Winchester said. The students started to leave the auditorium and then he came up to us.

"Well Ms. Arrowword it seems like you already have a friend here. That's good. I expect you guys to treat her well and take care of her. Now if you three will show her to your dorm and get her set up that would be great. She has all your classes and I expect you to behave." he said. I looked up from the ground and saw that they all nodded.

Seeing their assurance, the Dean gave them a small nod and proceeded to walk away. "Soo Elektra before I was interrupted by Neo like I was sayin--" Damon started to say but stopped when Neo gave him a warning glare. I chuckled a little. He still trying to protect me even though we just reconnected like two minutes ago. Neo wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked towards my bags. "Let's go" he called to Alexa and Damon and they helped carried my bags.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we all stopped at a door at the end of one of the halls. Neo took out set of keys and unlocked the door. He opened it and we all walked in and I was instantly mesmerized. This place looked huge. The living room had a big screen tv over the fire place. The kitchen was huge and all the the way in the back was a glass sliding doors. Outside you could see a whole beautiful view down the mountain.

"You look in shock." Alexa softly said next to me as we looked at the view outside and I replied "Well you would be too if you were stuck in hiding for nearly eight years". She patted my back and then Neo came up to us. "Here let me show you to your room" he said and I nodded. I followed him down a small hall passed the kitchen that had five doors. He stopped at one at the end of the hall and opened it.

He let me enter first and then he walked in and put my bags on my bed. My room was fairly big. It was nice. I had my own desk in one corner of the room, my bed was pretty big in another corner and then there is a door in another corner. I opened the door and saw it was a pretty nice closet. I loved this room.

"You like it?" he asked and I nodded with a big smile. I then gave him a confused look because his face suddenly looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't. Then I thought about it. He probably wants to talk about what happened. I guess I do owe him an explanation on why I disappeared all of a sudden. "Hey come here. I think we need to talk." I said as I sat down on the bed. He nodded and sat next to me.

"You probably want an explanation right?" I asked and he slightly nodded. "Well the day that when I got back home from hanging out with you at the park, my parents told me we were leaving because of the battles that were going on. They had my stuff packed and everything. I couldn't even say goodbye to anyone especially you because we left in a hurry."

"My parents and I moved away from everyone we knew, but we didn't last long. In the end my parents and my unborn sibling was killed in front of my eyes and I had to go somewhat into hiding. So that's where I have been this whole time."

I looked at his face and he showed hints of sadness in his eyes, but then he held my hand and said "Well now you are not alone. You have your best friend back". I smiled at him and he smiled at me back. " Hey you still remember our secret handshake?" I asked and he chuckled a little. "How can I forget it?" he said. We then started to do our little handshake. It ended with us doing a pinkie promise and our foreheads were against each other. We laughed a little and just stayed like that. I'm happy I have my best friend back in my life.