
(Elektra's POV)

Once the bitch went away, Damon, Alexa and I continued our conversation. Later on Neo joined in. I only stopped talking when I noticed a tall boy coming into the room. He looked to be about a inch shorter than Neo, he had dark black hair that was slid back, pale skin, and some dark golden eyes. He looked really handsome.

He looked amongst the room until his eyes landed on me. He smirked at me and walked to his seat that was behind me. "Woah who is that guy?" I whispered to Alexa. Alexa looked at the boy I was talking about and she chuckled. "That's Sebastian Everett. He's a vampire." she answered. 'Interesting' I thought to myself and I turned slightly and looked at Sebastian. He saw that I was looking at him and gave me a small sexy smile. I slightly smiled back and turned back around.

I didn't even notice I was slightly blushing until Damon pointed it out. "Elektra are you okay? Your face is a little red." he asked. I quickly nodded my head and hid my face behind my book.

After about two more minutes of waiting, the english teacher came in and stood at the teacher's desk. She is a tall light skinned woman with long black curly hair that is tied back, a soft smile, and she was wearing a nice black dress that went up to her knees and black heels. "Good morning everyone." she said out loud. Everybody greeted her back. "Good morning Mrs. Koch".

She looked at a piece of paper and then looked at me. " Ms. Arrowwood I presume?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Well as much as I would like you to be in class today, you don't have to be because we have a test today and you just got here so you may leave." she said as she took out a pile of papers. Ooo a test. "May I ask what the test is about?" I asked. She looked up from the pile of papers and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "This month we were working on Edgar Allan Poe and his stories and this is the final exam for this section." she answered.

Hearing the name Edgar Allan Poe, my face lit up. "Um if you don't mind Mrs. Koch, I would actually like to take the test." I said. Mrs. Koch looked at me with a confused look and asked "Why would you want to take this test if you aren't even prepared?". "Um actually Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favorite writers. I have read every story and poem he has written. I even have a book of stories with me right now." I answered as I picked up the book I was reading and showed it to her.

She walked walked up to my seat and I handed the book to her. She skimmed through the book and then closed it and looked at me. "Okay. I'll let you do the test, but this will be part of your grade so make sure you know what you are doing." she said as she handed me back my book. I nodded and put away my book. She walked back to her desk and grabbed the papers. "Okay everyone like I said this will be part of your grade. When you are finish with your test, you may leave." she said as she passed out the tests.

Once she handed me the test, I went straight to work on it. I knew every single answer and it only took me ten minutes to do it. I looked over it once again to make sure I got all the answers. After checking it again, I gathered all my stuff and went up to Mrs. Koch's desk. She looked up from her desk and saw me standing in front of her. "Oh did you change your mind and decide not to do it?" she asked.

I shook my head and answered "I finished". She raised her eyebrow and said " oh really." as she took the test from my hand. She skimmed through it slightly and then she gave me a nod. "You may leave." she said and I gave her a slight nod and left the room.

I walked through the hallways to look around a little bit. This place is so amazing. The halls were filled with art and they looked so beautiful. As I was walking while looking at one of the pieces of art as I was turning a corner, I walked straight into someone. l was falling to the ground but right before I was going to hit the ground, an arm wrapped around me and stopped me from falling.

The arm wrapped around me lifted me up to stand straight. I looked at the person the arm belonged to and it was Sebastian. I gulped at how close we were. His golden eyes starred in to mine and he asked "Are you okay?" in a soft, sexy british accent. His voice made my breath hitch a little. Once I was able to think straight again, I nodded and moved away from him and said "Thank you".

He chuckled a little and his hand reached out to me. "I don't believe we have met. My name is Sebastian Everett." I held his hand and shook it. "Elektra Arrowwood." I responded. We withdrew our hands and he smiled at me. "You seemed to be distracted by something when you walked into me. May I ask what you were looking at?" he asked.

I nervously chuckled and answered his question "I was just admiring one of the paintings". He raised his eyebrow and asked "which one in particular?". I turned slightly and pointed to a painting of a lonely kid on a swing with a melting ice cream in his hand. He looked at the painting and smiled at me. " I see that my painting had caught your eye."

I was shocked. "You painted this?" I asked and he nodded. "May I ask why did this catch your attention?" he asked and I chuckled a little. "My parents were killed when I was younger and I was left on my own for nearly eight years until I came here. So I feel like this kind of resembled how my life was before I came here." I answered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." he quickly apologized. I shook my head and said "No need to apologize. I survived. That's what matters now".

He nodded and he was about to say something when I heard a voice shouting my name down the hall. "Elektra!" I turned to see Neo with the rest of the team. Neo had a very stern look on his face. I turned back to Sebastian and said "Well I guess I got to go. I'll see you around". He smiled and said "See you around". Then he turned and walked away. I ran back to the team and we started walking to the next class.