(Elektra's POV)
During the ride, I can feel Neo's gaze burning through the back of the head. I don't what was wrong with him. When I saw him in his tux in the foyer of the house, he just kept staring at me. It wasn't in a weird stalkish kind of way. It was dark and sexy. I wanted to pounce on him then and there. 'What the fuck?' I said to myself. I quickly pushed that out of my head.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that we had arrived. We parked the van on the side of the rode where no one can see us. Damon got out of the driver seat and opened the back of the van for us to get out. Damon held out his hand for Alexa to get out first. With Damon's help she was able to hop out of the van with no problem.
Neo hopped out of the van and then held out his hands. I got closer to the edge of the van and he placed his hands on my hips and lifted up and gently placed me on the ground. I mutter a thank you. "Ok you guys, here are some ear pieces for you. I will talk to you over these and will help you complete the mission. I have already hacked into the security system and everything so we are all set." Damon said to all of us while handing us the ear piece.
We all place the ear pieces in our ear and Damon makes sure they are working, which they do. Seeing that they all work, Damon walked up to Neo and pulled out a flash drive from his pocket. "Here you go. Install this virus into his computer and the next time he tries opening the files, the virus will activate and erase everything." he said and handed the drive to Neo. Neo nodded and put it in his pocket.
"Okay it's time. Everybody ready?" Neo asked as he clasped his hands together. We all nodded. It's go time. Damon hopped in the back of the van which was filled with computer monitors. Alexa and I wrapped our hands around Neo's elbows and we walked to the driveway of the house. "Guys remember if you are in trouble the code word is 'Authority'" Neo whispered to us. Really? Authority? Okay then.
We nodded and we continued walking down the driveway which was filled with cars and people. The mansion was huge and lit up so nicely. We reached the steps of the mansion and we waited until it was out turn. A man dressed in all black was at the front door. He looked to be security.
Once we reached him, he asked for our invitation. Neo's body tensed up when he said invitation. Haha. He probably forgot that I am the one carrying it. "Don't worry. I have it." I whispered to him. His body loosened up real quick. I lifted my right leg onto the next step and pulled out the invitation from my thigh holster in a sexy way to get the attention of the guard. I handed him the invitation and he snapped out of it and placed the invite on his clip board and checked off something really fast. He nodded to the door man and he opened the door for us.
We walked in to the mansion and the hall was gorgeous with its white color. The hall was filled with people dressed so elegantly. A small band was playing some nice music. "What the hell was that at the door?" Neo asked sounding agitated. "It was to distract the guard from looking at the invite too closely. If he read Aleksander's name on the invite and see that you are not him, then we would be in trouble and be asked a lot of questions." I answered. He looked slightly irritated but he didn't say another word. "Okay guys. It's go time." we heard Damon said into our earpiece.
We turned to one another and gave each other a slight nod. Alexa walked away from us and Neo and I walked amongst the crowd. We stood by a table filled with snacks and I grabbed some grapes to act natural. A man with a tray of champagne walked up to us and offered us drinks. We both took a glass and takes sips of it. Neo was looking amongst the crowd until his eyes landed on someone. "There is the general and chairman Zambrana. Remember this may be Zambrana's house but this is the general's party." he whispered to me.
I looked towards where he was looking and indeed spotted Chairman Zambrana and the general in their grey suits. "We need think of a way to approach him." he said. "Don't worry I got this." I said and before he could say something, I was already walking away from him.
I walked through the crowd and went around the general and the chairman. I was back to back with the general. Now it was time for my plan. I let a person who was walking in front of me push me back a little resulting in me being pushed against the general. We both turned and faced each other. He looked kind of agitated at first, but then he calmed down and a smile appeared on his face.
"Prosti, ya byl na tvoyem puti?" (I'm sorry was I in your way?) he asked. "Oh no you weren't in my way. I was pushed slightly and accidentally hit you." I answered. He looked at me with curiousity. "English? But you understand russian. Very Impressive." he said with a heavy Russian accent. "Now tell me, who are you?" he asked.
I giggled a little and smiled as I held out my hand. "My apologies. Selene De'Clario, I'm a representative for CTECH Industries." I answered. "Oh you work for Aleksander Petrov?" he asked as he shook my hand. I nodded and said "Yes I do. I'm sorry, but he could not make it tonight because he had an emergency at his company so he sent me and one of my colleagues.". He let go of my hand and nods.
He takes a sip of his champagne and put down his glass on a table close to us. "Well then I have to ask. Will this beautiful lady before me care to dance?" he asked as he bowed a little with his hand out. I giggled a little and replied "She would love to dance." I put down my glass and place my hand into his and as we walked to the dance floor I whispered into my ear piece "I'm in."