Let Her Go!

(Neo's POV)

I'm walking down the hallway to go to the art room where Elektra is. She has been basically ignoring me since that night and we needed to talk.

That night it wasn't entirely my fault. I admit I'm the one who started that whole thing, but technically I drank so I was a little bit drunk and also my dragon pushed me to do it. I don't know why, but my dragon was desperate to get to Elektra and after that night, he just kept wanting her again and again. I couldn't stop until he was satisfied.

I really need to talk to her. I don't want it to be awkward between us. After that night, my feelings for just wanted to pour out. I like her....alot. I know I technically cheated on Angelica with her, but she started cheating on me waayyy before I did so it was most likely only a matter of time. I know that sounds messed up.

Anyways as I approach the art, I froze when I heard a scream that sounded like Elektra. I walked up to the open door and looked through to see Elektra on her knees with the front of her shirt ripped apart revealing her upper body and black bra.

Her arms were being held back by Tyler and Derek. Tyler was holding her right arm at a weird angle. Anna, Felicia, and Chloe were standing in front of her with a bucket of what looks like red paint and cigarette butts. They all looked angry. 'What the fuck is going on?' I thought. I then start listening in on the conversation.

"Now shall we get started transforming this slut into what she is supposed to be?" Anna said.

"Hahaha" Elektra started to laugh.

"What's so funny you slut?" Felicia asked.

"Haha It's the fact that you call me a slut when your little leader Angelica has slept with nearly the entire school. Including these two boys holding my arms. And you guys? HA! Don't even get me started with you guys. You guys are pathetic. You guys follow her around like little sad puppies when all she has done is made you into worthless pieces o--"


"Let's finish this." Anna says to the others.

Anna went closer to Elektra and dipped the paint brush in the bucket. She held out the brush to her face to write something and Elektra took a bite of her hand really hard and started sending zaps of lightning through her mouth onto her hand.

"AHH YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Anna yelled in pain when Elektra let go. She was mad and she threw the entire paint can at Elektra really hard and she was now covered in paint.

Felicia and Chloe didn't waste anytime and started to put the cigarette butts on her skin, burning her. Elektra yelled in pain, but then that yell turned into a little laugh.

'THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!' I was so angry it was hard to breathe. I marched right through the door and said with so much darkness in my voice


They all turned to me at once and I could see the relief in Elektra's eyes. They didn't move an inch so I repeated myself with much more agitation and venom. "I said. LET. HER. GO." They finally snapped out of it and Tyler scoffed. "Oh please what are you going to do about it manwhore." he said amused.

I looked at them and chuckled darkly. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, they turned into my dragon's silver eyes. I can feel a little of my black dragon scales coming out of the side of my eyes, releasing black smoke.

I snapped my head to Tyler's direction with a little creepy smile and said lowly "These shadows have seen what you've done, and they're just itching to do the same with... No.. MER..CY.."

When I forced out the last syllable of mercy, my shadows were released and were standing behind Tyler and Derek and without any hesitation they knocked both of them aside really hard making them release Elektra from their grip. Elektra fell forward holding onto her shoulder.

The crashing of the two male bodies resonated through the small space. My eyes were shrouded in the burning anger that radiates through me in waves. My eyes landed on the three girls in front of Elektra, I inhaled deeply and through the suffocating scent of cheap perfume, I smelled Anna as an Anansi, Felicia as an Itsumade, and Chloe as a crocotta. Derek is a Kitsune, and Tyler an Oread. 'This is going to be fun.' My dragon thought.

The bitter scent of cigarettes burned my nostrils and I sought out the source. My fury only grew when I saw the burn marks on my teammate's once flawless skin, the culprits shivered under his bloodlusting gaze.

An animalistic growl escaped my lips as I charged at them. Felicia squawked from shock and tried to move away, but I caught ahold of her long feathers and whipped her body towards a nearby wall with so much force it had left a big dent. Anna tried to flee by attaching herself to the ceiling with her web, but failed when I grabbed one of her abnormally long legs and gave her the same treatment as her friend.

Chloe growled, it wasn't threatening, more like a chihuahua trying to scare a lion with its "mighty" roar. I chuckled deeply, menacingly, then abruptly threw her to the side by her shadow.

Derek got up and attempted to electrocute me, only to have his lighting absorbed by none other than Elektra. She smiled at me before whispering, "go get em, you damn beast". I smiled in response and sent a shadow to paralyze him, I then grabbed him by his tail and slammed him to the ground. He was going to be out for a week.

Tyler had gotten up after that and started monologuing, saying he was as tough as a mountain, that no one could ever defeat him. Elektra nor I listened. I sighed, trying to calm myself but I found it couldn't be done since Tyler started to insult Elektra, leaving my blood to start boiling. Tyler didn't know what he was saying, and stupidly shouted at her without care, "This is why your parents are dead! You're pathetic and weak!"

At that moment I snapped and the room was covered in a seemingly endless darkness. I approached Tyler slowly, like a predator would a prey, my eyes glowing in the pitch black room. Within a second, the room was back to normal, only difference, was the lack of scumbags. With the boys and girls gone, Tyler; bloodied, bruised and unconscious was the only one left.

I finally reached Elektra and helped her to her feet. She asked where the others were, I replied only two words "caged up". She didn't say anything else only winced in pain as she put her hand on her shoulder which looked dislocated now that I look at her close up.

I took off the jacket I had on and put on her to help cover her from side. She looked at me with tears welling up in her eyes. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and said softly "Lets get you back to the dorm. So I can help you get checked and cleaned up. Okay?". She nodded hesitantly as a reply.

I held her hand and stood slightly behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist. Soon we began to walk towards the dorm slowly. 'I better get Alexa, Damon, and Sebastian to get that Tyler scumbag and to get those other scumbags when I release them from the cage I had them trapped in while being watched by my shadows.'

I will not be able to go myself because I have to take care of Elektra and also I probably won't be able to control myself. But right now I'm not going to think about that until we get to the dorm.