Welcome Back

*Back to the present*

(Elektra's POV)

Looking at the scenery through the window of the taxi we are riding in, brings a smile upon my face. It's still as amazing as when I left. Venders scattered the streets, selling many of their goods and from a distance, I can see the Wudang Mountain. I felt excited on the inside.

After about a half an hour, the taxi arrived at the bottom of the mountain. We hopped out of the car and grabbed our bags while Neo paid the driver and thanked him for his service. I handed him his bag and we all looked at the mountain. Damon jaw was dropped as he just stared at the many steps of the mountain. "Welcome to Wudang Mountain guys." I said with a big grin.

Damon closed his mouth and then scoffed. "You are telling us that we have to walk all of those steps to get to where we are going." he said and I nodded and replied "I told you to get ready to walk." as I walked ahead of them. Neo and Alexa chuckled and followed while Damon stood there and let out a big sigh then began to follow.

Walking up the stairs to the temple was very.... amusing to say the least. Mostly everyone was fine walking up the steps, except for Damon. Several times I looked back and saw him looking like he was about to die. Alexa even called it entertaining to watch him suffer for once.

After some time, we reached the top of the mountain. We were now currently at the doors of the temple. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I placed my hand on the door. I took a deep breath before finally opening the door.

Walking in, we saw visitors walking on the sides taking pictures of the amazing temple they had stepped in. The training area was visible and people were already in it practicing their tai chi in front of the visitors. Looking closely at the monks, I couldn't help but feel happy that most of them were the ones who had taken care of me and at the head of the session was Jun with a face full of concentration.

We stood against the wall and watched the session went on until it finally ended. I looked to the team and said "I'll be right back guys." and they nodded in reply. I turned to find Jun among the crowd of monks with his back towards me. I slowly walked to him with my bottom lip between my teeth. I took a deep breath and lightly tapped on his shoulder.

Feeling the tap on his shoulder, he turned to face me. He looked a little taken back, but recovered and he had some emotions in his eyes. "Yu Jie?" he asked softly and I was on the brink of tears. I nodded my head briskly and he had a smile on his face.

Without any thought, he pulled me into a hug and that's when my tears bursted and start to run down my face. He held me tightly as I began to sob softly against him. I can literally feel eyes all around, but I didn't care. this was an emotional moment for me.

After a little while, we pulled away from each other and I wiped my face. We both smiled each other and then I noticed all the other monks staring. I looked to them all and said "Dàjiā hǎo, nǐ de xiǎo yújié yòu huíláile." (Hi everybody, your little Yu Jie is back.) There was a moment of silence before nearly everyone came rushing over and pulling me into a big group hug. I just laughed and hugged them back.

They let go of me after sometime, Jun walked back up to me. "We have to go see Meilin and everyone else. They will be so happy to see you." he said with his thick Chinese accent. I laughed at his eagerness and then looked at Neo, Alexa, and Damon who had just watched everything that happened go down and waved them over.

Neo grabbed my bag and they walked to us. "Jun these are my friends Damon, Alexa, and Neo. Guys this is Jun." I said introducing them. He grew confused for a second and started to mumble loudly. "Neo?.. Neo... I know that name." Then all of a sudden, he gasped as if he had just triggered something in his brain and he turned to me. "Is this your Neo?" he asked me and I instantly began to blush a little, but nodded my head slightly as a reply.

Jun chuckled and patted my shoulder. "You finally found him. Good for you." he said to me and then turned back to them. He shook their hands and bowed his head slightly and they returned the gesture. I smiled watching them interact. It brought me so much joy. "Now Yu Jie and all of you, let's go meet some people." he said and then walked ahead of us as we followed.

We followed quietly and as we walked, I said hi to a many of the monks that walked by. That was until I heard "YU JIE!" I turned at the sound of my nickname and saw a girl who looked to be about ten years old. It was Jun's niece that I played with all the time I was here in past. "Kito!" I yelled as I ran to the little girl, dropped to my knees and pulled into a big hug.

"Ó, wǒ cuòguòle nǐ zhème duō. Nǐ hǎo ma?" (Oh, I missed you so much. How are you?) I asked. "Wǒ yě xiǎng nǐ. Wǒ yīzhí hěn hǎo. Jūn shūshu shuō, wǒ zuò wǒ de tàijí hé méilín dàmā yǐjīng jiào zuò fàn zhēn de hěn bùcuò." (I missed you too. I have been good. Uncle Jun says I'm doing really good with my Tai Chi and Aunt Meilin has been teaching me how to cook.) I smiled at the little girl and said "Nà hěn hǎo." (That's good.)

I started to get up, but I got pulled back and Kito asked "Nǐ dǎsuàn yào zhù duōjiǔ?"(Are you going to be staying long?") I lifted my hand and patted her head and said "Shì de, yī diǎndiǎn zhīqián, wǒ bùdé bù zàicì líkāi, dàn bùyòng dānxīn, wǒmen jiāng yǒu lèqù, jiù xiàng jiù shídài." (Yes, for a little bit before I have to leave again, but don't worry we are going to have fun just like old times.) She squealed with happiness and I laughed a little.

I got up from the ground and Kito held on to my hand tightly. "Kito, Nǎlǐ shì nǐ gūgū méilín?" (Kito, where is your aunt Meilin?") June asked the little girl. "Méilín āyí zài chúfáng lǐ bāngmáng." (Aunt Meilin is in the kitchen helping out.) Jun nodded and began to where I remembered was the way to the kitchen.

The whole walk there, I talked to Kito about lots of stuff. What I didn't know was that Neo, who was walking besides Jun, was watching with a smile on his face.


(Neo's POV)

Seeing Elektra with the little girl, made me feel happy inside. I didn't even notice I was watching and smiling to myself like a dumbass until the guy named Jun snapped me out of it. "You love her don't you?" he asked. I turned to him and then looked down and asked "Is it that obvious?" "Pretty much. You look at her the same way I look at my wife. Something tells me that something happened between you two." he replied. I just nodded slightly at his statement.

"You can tell me about it later and I'll help you anyway I can because I know she loves you too. Always has and I don't think she plans on stopping." said and I chuckled slightly and nodded to Jun. I looked back towards Elektra and the little girl smiling to myself again. Maybe we will have something like that in the future.


(Elektra's POV)

After walking a little bit, we finally arrived at the kitchen. We walked in to the kitchen and I can see many of the monks cooking and then I spotted Meilin amongst them, making dumplings. I stood behind Jun and waited. "Méilín!" Jun shouted amongst the noise of the kitchen. Meilin looked up, but was confused on why Jun, Kito, and new comers are in the kitchen. "Jūn? Kito? Nǐ zài zhèlǐ zuò shénme? Zhèxiē rén shì shéi?" (Jun? Kito? What are you here? Who are these people?) Meilin asked. "Méilín, yǒuyī gèrén zài zhèlǐ cānguān." (Meilin, there's someone here to visit.) Jun replied.

After Jun said that, he moved to the side and making her move her attention to me. She gasped when she saw me. "Yu Jie!" she yelled out while running to me and giving me a big bear hug. Everyone's head snapped up at Meilin's yelling and look towards our direction. At the sight of me, they gasped as well and pulling me into yet another group hug. I just laughed and hugged them back.

Several minutes later, they released me from the hug. "What are you doing here?" she asked with a big smile on her face. "Well, at the moment we need to see Li Mu about something important, but hopefully we would be able to stay for a whole week here." I answered. She nodded at my answer and looked at the team. "Hi my name is Meilin and I'm Jun's wife." she said to them, shaking each of their hands while bowing her head and they returned the gesture.

"We'll take you to Abbott Li Mu right now. He will be so happy to see you Yu Jie. Let's go." Meilin then said and grabbed my hand, dragging me away while the rest followed us. This is going to be an interesting week.