Vacation part 3

• A/N: This is a long chapter but I hope you like it and sorry for the long wait I promise it's about to get good •

•Everly's POV•

I headed to the mall and walked into a Victoria's Secret. My old friend Lili had always gotten baiting suits from there so I figured I'd give it a shot. I walked in and was immediately greeted by a worker.

"Hi, my name is Olivia how may I help you?" The worker asked.

"Uhm I'm looking for some bathing suits." I said.

"Ahh, are you going on a vacation?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah I'm going to Jeju for a bit of a break." I admitted.

"What type of bathing suits do you prefer bikini or one piece." She asked.

"Uhm I'm not sure I think bikinis." I said a bit worried.

"It's okay, I'll help you." Olivia assured.

Olivia started walking and I followed her until she stopped at the bathing suit isle.

"If my prediction is correct your skin tone works well with blacks, whites, reds, possibly maroon and maybe pastels." Olivia said and with that started picking out a bunch of bathing suits of all different colors and styles.

"We love variety." Olivia said.

I giggled and bit and Olivia handed me a handful of bathing suits and moved me to the dressing rooms.

•Time Skip•

After what literally felt like hours of trying on all different kinds of bathing suits we had limited it down to 7. I had a baby blue, a red, a black, a white, a lavender, a maroon, and finally a mixed colored pastel one. I had 2 one pieces 3 bikinis and 2 sleeveless or off the shoulder bikinis. I was so so so grateful to Olivia for helping me out I had gotten her number and I was going to meet her for her lunch break and treat her to lunch. Her lunch break was in 30 minutes so I went into forever 21. I looked around I found a couple of crop tops and regular tops I liked and a mustard yellow and a pale and dark green bikini. I checked out, happy with my purchases and headed to my meeting point with Olivia. Olivia was already there when I got to our spot and we chose to eat at Panda Express.

•Time Skip•

I waved bye to Olivia after we ate and headed to the dorm. I walked into the building and headed into the dorm.

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked.

"Out." I replied simply.

"You can't just leave when you feel like it Ev you had us worried." Jungkook said.

"Worried my butt." I stated back.

"If you would have asked around I told Jin where I was going and why I was going out." I said.

Fuming I left before I said something rash and would regretted it.

I headed to my room and Jin popped his head in.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked.

"Yeah I met a girl named Olivia and she helped me with my purchases." I responded.

"OoOo fun!" He said.

"Can I see." He asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

He grabbed the bags from me and pulled out a couple bathing suits and look at the rest.

"There are a lot of colors in here." Jin stated.

"As Olivia said, we love variety." I said.

Jin giggled and pulled out a red bathing suit.

"Ev I'm not allowing you to wear this." Jin said.

"Why!" I questioned.

"Red is not your color." He said.

"Pshh I spent like 30 dollars on that bathing suit I'm wearing it. Unless there is another reason that you are not telling me."

"They're all cute besides the red one return it." Jin said simply.

"But I'd have to go back and return it I just left Jinnnnie." I said.

"That's Jin Oppa to you." He said smiling.

"Oppa." I said whining.

We both laughed and Jin left my room and I finished packing for our trip. I grabbed my packed suitcase and put it near the door with the already packed others.

"Ev." Yoongi said.

"Hmm?" I said messing with my suitcase because the boys were on the couch and turned to look at me.

"You wanna watch a movie with us." Jimin asked before Yoongi had a chance.

"What's type?" I asked.

"What do you mean by type?" Taehyung asked confusion laced in his voice.

"Like scary, comedy, romance, like that." I stated.

"Oh uh, scary." Yoongi smirked.

"No thank you." I said.

"Please." They whined.

"No but I'll be in the guest room if you need me." I said.

"Everly that's your room now not the guest room." J-Hope said.

I didn't say anything I just went into my room and hopped on my bed and decided to call it a night.

•Time Skip•

I had been awoken by the clanging of pots and pans and Jin's yelling. It was 8 in the morning and I pulled my comfy duvet off and got up. I got dressed casually in a colorful tee and some high waisted shorts and brushed my hair and teeth before walking out of the guest room. Jin was still clanking his pans together when I said, "Jin it's okay I got this."

"Thank you so much I'm going to get started on breakfast." Jin said.

So I headed off to the closest room which was Jimin's room. I knocked and when I didn't hear a response I went in seeing a still sleeping Jimin laying on his bed. Walking over to him I go "Jimin, oh Jimin come on it's time to wake up." I say slightly shaking him to wake him. A few mumbles come from Jimin so I go "Jin's making breakfast Chim get up it's like 8:15."

With that I walk out and go to Jungkook's room next. I quickly knocked and when I didn't get a response I entered his room.

When I opened the door I saw a shirtless Jungkook with his abs full on display. I felt the heat creep up my face and I covered my face with my hands. "Like what you saw Ev?" Jungkook said amused.

"I knocked you should have responded I'm leaving." I said and left his room still a bit pink in the face.

Next I went to Namjoon's room and woke him up. "Joonie it's time to wake up Jin made breakfast" I said and exited his room and headed to V's room. When I entered Tae's room I tripped on his Tata plushy on the floor and fell on his bed beside him. "I could get used to this." Tae said smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, I tripped okay." I said grumbling before exiting his room. I then moved on to Hobi's room but to my surprise he wasn't there so I figured he had already gotten up by himself. I had one room left... Yoongi's room and boy was I not excited to get him up. It was like waking a bear and nobody wants to wake the bear. So I tried to soft wake up approach first and Yoongi didn't wake up. I ended up trying like 6 different wake up methods but to no avail did they work. Giving up I went into his bathroom grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water walking up to Yoongi I poured it on his face, dropped the cup and started running as fast as I could away from his room. I jumped behind Jin when I saw him and an angry Yoongi came into the dining room.

"What the hell! Which one of you assholes woke me up!" Yoongi yelled.

The boys laughing at the wet Yoongi and Jin slowly stepped away from me no longer being my shield and the rest of BTS pointed at me. I made a mad dash to my room and locked the door with Yoongi following suit banging on the door. I was genuinely scared for my life at that point and I was not about to open that door. The banging quit after Yoongi got tired and went to eat his breakfast but I still stayed in my room for safety.

"Everly I'm not going to hurt you, you can come out of your room plus your food is going to get cold." Yoongi says.

I slowly get out of the guest room still refusing to call it my room because it just didn't feel like it yet. It was still very bland and dull and It just want my style. I made my way over to the only empty seat the boys eating and chatting. I had the brightest idea and immediately jumped up and ran into the guest room and grabbed my laptop.

"You okay there Ev?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I replied while walking back into the kitchen with my laptop in hand putting it next to my plate.

"You know the rules young lady no laptops on the table." Jin said.

"I'm finding room decor and things because the guest room is so bland and dull." I said.

"Can I help?!" Taehyung said excitedly.

"Of course you can Tae." I said happily and thus began our search for room decor.

We had finished eating and it was just Taehyung and I left both of us on our laptops looking for room decor.

"What's the color scheme?" Taehyung asked.

"I was thinking like white and black but like pops of color in the mix as well." I said.

We had only been looking for half and hour and had gotten a few things but we had to leave to Jeju very soon.

"You can finish this on the plane ride and I'm sure we can all help you." Namjoon said.

So Taehyung and I put our laptops in our suitcases and handed to the van.

While we were all trying to fit in the elevator I was waiting for the members to get situated before I was going to hop in as well.

"Everly since the fans don't know who you are, we're going to go first I'm sure fans will be taking pictures as we hop in the van you will be in a separate van and we will see you in the plane okay." Joonie said right before the elevator closed in my face.

Disheartened I waited for about 10 minutes and hopped on the next available elevator alone. When I reached the van and hopped in I noticed how big the vans were but being alone made the van feel 10 times as big. When we reached the airport I grabbed my luggage thanked the driver and headed toward BTS's plane but I was stopped by a security guard. "This is a privet plane you can not get on ma'am." He said.

"I'm actually on this plane with them." I said showing him my ticket.

"You are not allowed on board ma'am I haven't not been given instructions to let you on." He said.

"I have to get on that plane now if you'll excuse me I have to head to Jeju." I said getting slightly annoyed.

I tried moving past the bodyguard but he stopped me and slid me back further. Jungkook must of heard the fuss and came running towards me.

"What's the problem Mike." Jungkook asks the bodyguard.

"This girl wants to get on your plane do you know her?" Mike the bodyguard asks Jungkook.

"Ah." He looks at me smirking "I don't actually she must be a sasaeng." Jungkook says slyly.

"Jeon Jungkook don't make me call Namjoon." I said.

The bodyguard then forcefully grabbed my wrist and dragged me toward the exit and threw me out. I landed of my knees on the floor embarrassed and in pain. I was crying and my wrist throbbed.

•Jeon Jungkook's POV•

I watched amused as Everly got dragged toward the exit and I walked back towards the boys. They were frantically looking and trying to find Everly and I got on the plane. I knew I was going to get yelled at but Everly's a pest and I didn't want to be bonded with her anyway. I felt really bad after I pulled that stunt but I had to keep that mindset that I hated her and she was a pest because I have a soft spot for my members. Everly fits right in and gets along with them so well and I don't want them to get hurt. But they all look so cut— no I have to hate Everly.

•Everly's POV•

Jimin called and I immediately answered.

"He-hello." I said still crying.

"Everly! Oh my god where are you?" He asked.

"I-I got dragged and kicked out my one of your bodyguards named Mike." I said.

"What happened?!" Jimin said frantically. I heard the others trying to find me.

"I-I went to your plane and Mike wouldn't let me on and Jungkook said I-I was a-a sasaeng so-so I-I got thrown out." I said still trying to recover.

"Oh god Ev, I'm coming." Jimin said before ending the call.

I heard a stampede of footsteps and I saw the members besides Jungkook running towards me.

"Everly I'm so sorry." Jimin said immediately coming to hug me.

"Are you hurt?" Jin asked worriedly while checking me.

"We will have you clean up your knees and your wrist is bruised but I think other that I think your fine." Jin said.

"Let's get your stuff and head to the plane." Joonie said.

Taehyung carried me on his back and I hid my face in his neck still extremely embarrassed from being kicked out.

•Time Skip•

After we settled on the plane and Jungkook got yelled at we were headed to Jeju. The plane ride was only 3 hours long I was sitting next to Jimin and Taehyung. I was looking on my computer for room decor still and occasionally Tae would point out something he would like. I got sleepy after about an hour and a half a felt my eyelids close.

•Jimin's POV•

I was on my phone checking Twitter and looking through Instagram when I felt Everly's head fall on my shoulder. Looking over I saw she had pasted out and I didn't mind she looked cute while she was sleeping. I carefully closed her laptop and got comfy myself.

•Everly's POV•

I had awoken to Jimin shaking me as we had arrived to Jeju for our vacation. Honestly we all needed it and I am glad we got here safely. We got out of the plan grabbing our luggage and we got 5 cabs and Yoongi got in a cab alone to go to our little bungalows that we were staying in. Jimin and I got in a cab together chatting along the way and when we reached the bungalows the boys were all fighting. I immediately jumped in yelling at everyone to be quiet.

"So what's the situation?" I asked.

"We only have 5 bungalows." Namjoon said.

"Why don't we just do the bungalows like how we did the cabs?" Jimin asked.

"But I'm the oldest I want the single bungalow." Jin whined.

"How about we do Rock Paper Scissors?" I asked.

"That's a great idea!" Hobi said.

•5 minutes later•

Rock Paper Scissors was the worst idea ever and I'm an actual idiot...

I-I got roomed with...

•A/N stay tuned in for Part 4 to find out who Everly got a bungalow with.•