Surprise! (1)

They stayed three more days at his mother's place and later they flew back to Las Vegas. Stefan felt that his relationship with Wirata had progressed for the better. He felt happy like never before. The kind of happiness that his money could never buy.

Stefan called Ron, his friend who was a doctor, his doctor to be exact. They knew each other when they were studying in England. He told Ron about Wirata and asked him to help with the injection.

"What? Are you kidding?"

Ron, the doctor shouted into Stefan's ear through the phone.

"I am serious. I love her. Have you ever heard me said I loved anyone before?"

Stefan made an irritated tone to his friend.

"No. Never."

Ron answered. He still did not believe the story Stefan told him. The headstrong with high egos mafia god, Stefan Mackenzie was telling him that he loved a woman and wanted to keep her forever! And wanted to have kids with her to make her stay with him for good!