Surprise! (3)

Wirata called her mother, telling her that she was going to the restaurant to help her. Wirata left the penthouse at four o'clock. By this time, some of the staff had already arrived and were preparing the place to be ready to serve later.

Once she arrived, Wirata went to greet her mother and went to change into the restaurant uniform. Wirata saw that tonight the VIP rooms had been fully booked. Wirata then volunteered to help serve as she usually did.

"How is everything with you, honey? Is he treating you well?" 

Her mother asked while two of them were behind the counter. Wirata smiled, knowing deep down inside how much her mother loved and concerned about her only daughter.

"Yes, he's ... very good to me, mom. But I don't expect anything. As nobody foresees the future. I will just try my best as you taught me."