Blaming on the hormones (1)

After dinner, Stefan went to his father's luxurious suite. The two sat together in the living room talking about business plans for the future. That was what they usually talked about when they met.

"I've heard that you went to see your mother, didn't you?"

The father's deep voice asked after they finished discussing work. Stefan raised his eyebrows up in a surprise. He was wondering why his father had to ask him when he could just give his mother a call at any time. Because Stefan believed his parents were still friends, even though they had separated for almost twenty years. 

"Yes, father. I have taken Wirata to see her."

Stefan replied. His father's eyebrows raised this time.

"The Asian woman who is the account manager?"

Michael was very surprised. As far as he knew, Stefan was not interested in having a long-term relationship with his temporary women. And most importantly, he had never taken anyone to introduce to his mother before.