Blaming on the hormones (6)

In the car on the way back to the penthouse.

Stefan was thinking hard about Wirata's situation. He was pretty sure his baby was coming. His face lit up with a big smile, excited with the imagination himself holding his baby in his arms. But when thinking about what he had hidden from Wirata, he felt terrified in his guts.

 "What should I do, James? My head is breaking into pieces because I  have to think so fucking hard to find the ways. Or should I just confess to her and hand her a golf club, she might just give me one or two swings to get over with."

The boss said with a worried voice. James looked at him from the mirror as he was driving.

"Um, just like you said before, boss, that to check to make sure first. Then if she is pregnant, you can confess. After that, it depends on Miss Wirata whether to hit your head with the golf club or put a bullet in your chest next. "