My Baby (3)

After cuddling and clinging together for a while. Wirata held his happy face with her two hands and looked into his beautiful deep blue eyes. Then she gradually recalled the reaction of the man since the morning when he kept ringing her all day, telling her not to lift heavy things. And he asked for her urine. 

"And what made you think I am pregnant?"

Wirata asked out of her curiosity when she had a chance.

 Why on earth did Stefan suspect that she was pregnant? Should it be her, the first person to catch what happened with her own body?

Stefan stopped smiling immediately. He stared back into her eyes and did not blink. Trying to keep his face still and serious. He had learned that if he dodged or skipping eye contact or blinking rapidly, she would know that he lied to her.

"I dreamed."

He said with a straight face. Wirata raised her eyebrow up.

"Yeah? Really?"

He nodded again as a confirmation.

"Yes, really."