The hungry man

 Wirata changed from her work clothes to a white T-shirt and a pair of dark shorts at knee length. Then she went to join Jacqueline in the kitchen. They started to cook.

It had gone five o'clock when she heard the penthouse door opened and closed.

"Why didn't you wait for me? Who allowed you to come up alone?!. If the elevator got stuck or if you fall... "

The vociferous voice came before the man himself. Wirata turned to smile at Jacqueline who was laughing to hear his son shouting like a mad man.

Stefan walked into the penthouse. Ben and James had gone to their rooms to rest, leaving the boss to stay with the family alone.

Stefan popped into the kitchen and saw his mother and Wirata were cooking. His handsome face lighted up with a smile and walked to his mother. He kissed her on the cheeks.

"Hello, mother. So happy to see you here. I missed you. How was your journey?"

Stefan said and hugged his mother tightly.