The waiting day (2)

"Oh, God!"

Evelyne was leaning on the sofa, with James straddling on top. The cold sticky orange juice made her cry out. James's face was still tucked between her breasts!  

James was shocked. His heart stopped beating for a second before speeding up like crazy with the accident that his face was on her plump breasts, she smelled so nice. He startled when he heard the whining from her. So he hurried to lift his face up and moved himself to sit on the sofa beside her.

"Oh, God! I am so sorry, Evelyne. Are you alright?"

James asked in an apologetic tone, his hands reached to clean the wet juice on her chest and he did not mean to touch her there. James stopped dead and quickly pulled his hands away when he was aware that his hands cupped her breasts! Evelyne jumped away and winced because of the cold juice.