
I bent down and touched the liquid and realised that it was only paint. I went around the house looking for him. checked the bedroom- not there, living room- not there, parents room- not there, finally the kitchen- he was there but lying on the floor. I went close to him and realised that he had fainted.i slowly lifted him up and made him lie on his bed. I went to the kitchen to find out why he had fainted and I was right there was literally nothing in the kitchen that he could eat so I immediately ran to my house to get him something to eat.... well I didn't have much to eat, in my defence I was not in my house for two days. either way I had everything to make pasta so I did and ran back to Max's room. I woke him up and he slowly began eating the pasta ( looking at him made me more hungry ). he kept eating without saying a word and I felt bad because he looked so miserable and tired ( he even had dark circles under his eyes ). after he finished eating he fell asleep. I locked mine and Max's door and used my ring to inform anna, Cleo and jack to meet me in the cafe. I was walking to the cafe when everything I was seeing filled with my memories of me, max, jack and little Emma playing, dancing in the wind and even fighting. I soon reached the cafe and everyone was waiting for me. I sat down and they began talking "when we reached the school no one was there except the highschool student council president and vice president ( president james- highschool 3-1 and vice president Bethany- highschool 3-1 ) .they told us that Emma had called and said that she will be unable to come to the meeting. so we were planning to come and help you but the student council room was locked by someone and we were stuck in and the fact that we can only lock from the outside didn't make it any better and by the time we broke out of the room and reached the lake everything had happened". it was getting late so everyone began going so did I but before that I had to visit the graveyard. I brought two flowers for the two graves I was going to visit. after the visit I went back to the apartment and went to check max but to my surprise he was not there....