
we entered the room and an awful chemical smell surrounded us. i looked around and saw colourful liquids in different bottles and i saw professor Sara and Anna doing some experiment on MY TABLE (i am really mad now)i walked towards them when Mr nick came in opening the door (guess what will happen next) obviously mr nick and professor Sara started fighting. i was not in a good mood since i still had to go to professor Stine's class and have to go to detention and. now my club room is filled with chemicals and two teachers who won't stop fighting and worst part THIS IS MY LUNCH BREAK.i took a deep breath and ran out of the room. a few minutes later i entered the room with a special guest. within a couple of seconds my club room was clean of chemicals and teachers thanks to miss lisa(special guest). after all this commotion i was going to eat my lunch but the bell rang and i had to return back to class. i and max ran back to class. it just felt like the class went on and on and all the time i was trying not to think about food. soon the class got over and i was trying to escape but professor Stine caught me and pulled me to detention and max followed us. in detention we sat doing nothing for a while but soon i started helping max with his studies. soon enough professor Stine also started helping us (i was actually a bit surprised). we somehow ended up enjoying detention and it soon became late and was time for us to leave. professor Stine stopped me and max and asked if we were interested in coming for a trip and gave us a paper with the details. i was unwilling to come until i saw.....