
unfortunately when we entered the restaurant we saw professor stine, and ace suggested that we eat with him. I and max refused yet in the end we were forced to eat with him. ace and professor stine kept talking as if they were old friends while I and max sat there quietly eating our dinner. after dinner when I thought that we were finally going to bid farewell to professor stine, ace suggested that he could spend the night at our house as his apartment is pretty far away. professor stine refused at first but then soon agreed.

"excuse me but can I talk to my LOVELY BROTHER for a minute alone" I said and without even hearing prof Stine's response I pulled ace away.


"why did you invite him to our house?" I asked

"poor guy he lost his wife then his daughter and now spends all of his time alone I think he deserves some happiness"ace said

"I never knew that" I mumbled slowly

I ended up accepting prof stine to come with us. when we reached the house max, prof stine and I sat at the dinning table while ace went to take a bath. awkward silence surrounded the room once again.

trying to break the silence max said,"could you teach me the algebraic sums which you thought in class again"

"max he was teaching GEOMETRY" I said

"right" max said chuckling

stine began to laugh and I smiled seeing the both laugh.

someone knocked the door. as I got up to open the door ace rushed and said,"it's late I don't want a little girl to open the door"

"really" I said raising one of my eyebrow. ace stood still for a while. I believe he remembered what had happened to his hand.

I opened the door and saw more unrequired people...


ANNA (newspaper club member)


who knocked the door?


(made with blood

of the first victim)

Miss jas

a book called "death"

contains info on the

people who died

new victim- Emma

lake or school


U - undercover

S - student

D - detective


victim 2- emma- lake- drowning

victim 1- rose


1) the Cresent moon

symbols - SAM - third victim

LUNA - killed or an accident

secret passage- newspaper club room-photo

miss jas's diary-information about all five of us

the killer is a he

sam- mountain or river

victim 3- sam- mountain

principal, teachers - plan? - victim's parents knew luna
