new teacher?

we noticed that instead of prof stine another teacher was waiting for us in the room. we quietly sat on the bench. max whispered to me,"do we know this teacher? I feel like I have seen him somewhere."

I whispered back at him,"don't you remember him. he is the teacher who yelled at the class to shut up in the chapter self study."

I only know that his name is George and that he is incharge of the third years in highschool.(probability should ask Cleo for more information).

mr George is almost a complete opposite of prof stine. mr George has golden brown hair , dark circles under his eyes, wears glasses, and looks extremely exhausted whereas professor stine has dyed grey hair, wears contact lenses and his face looks perfect for his age.

I and max quietly sat at our seats. I thought I could might as well finish the drawing I was doing yesterday so I took my book out when I saw mia coming inside the room.

without realising it I and max were staring at mr George.

"what do both of you want?" mr George said

"oh sorry. it is just that we usually say the reason why we are here in detention to professor stine." max said

mr George said,"school started only at March and looks like you two are already regulars here. fine *sigh* say the reason one by one."

I got up and proudly said,"I started the food fight in the cafeteria".

max got up after me and said,"I also helped...kinda."

mia got up and said,"I was late to school."

during the entire detention I couldn't do anything because I kept thinking about mia's reason for detention.

after detention was finally over I asked max to fix the camera meanwhile i stopped mia from leaving and asked her "why were you lying?"....