
I sighed and said,"you are going to find out anyway so I might as well tell you. Unlike what I told you I have a major part to play in the incident. In fact I was partially responsible for Emma's death".

Anna surprised asked,"what do you mean?"

"It's true that Emma was kidnapped and we found her and escaped but she wasn't the only one who had escaped with us. There was another kid who had been kidnapped so we helped him escape with us as we escaped from there I stole a dagger for safety."

"A Dagger!" Anna said surprised "Couldn't you have just taken a long piece of wood or something it's not like a child can know how to use a dagger properly".anna asked

"I actually was searching for a gun but a dagger was all I could find and by stealing the enemies weapons they wouldn't have anything to hurt us with. Also I knew how to use weapons as a child." (I probably shouldn't have told the last part. Well too late now)

I could see the confusion on Anna's face. I am sure she was thinking "what kind of kid knows how to use weapons" "and what kind of normal kid looks for a GUN when she has been KIDNAPPED!".

"Now let me continue, we were running but the kidnapper had noticed that we had escaped. We were under the bridge near the railway tracks when the kidnapper had caught the little boy we had escaped with. He took his gun and pointed at us and told us to come Back with him otherwise he would kill the boy and us. Max was about to listen to the kidnapper as he worried about the safety of the little boy but I said no and took out my dagger to defend us. The kidnapper was filled with rage. He pointed the gun at me. I aimed the dagger at his leg and threw it. The kidnapper shot his gun just as the dagger hit his leg so he lost hid aim and now the bullet was about to hit max but Emma jumped infront of max and got shot instead. I helped the little boy as the kidnapper took his gun but thankfully the cops had finally found us thanks to to sound of the gun when it fired the bullet. Surrounded the kidnapper tried to escape but as he was crossing the tracks a train was headed right at him. Sadly he wasn't fast enough because of the dagger which was stuck to his leg. And so as I stared at the kidnapper get hit by the train I could hear the the sound of max crying as he held Emma's body. That day two people had die due to my actions."

Anna was quiet but I knew she wanted to ask me something's I told her to speak up already.

Anna hesitating asked,"do you regret it?"