19 April 2019
i woke up and saw loki snuggled next to me. i took a photo as i tried to not faint at the cuteness. i took my hoodie that was on the floor. i smelled it only to regret it immediately. i checked the pockets to make sure there were no coins in them, only to find a piece of paper. i couldn't remember how it got there. "weird" i mumbled. "meet me at the roof of the school" was all that was written. I only realized a second after thinking that it was written by James. it was obvious really, seemed like his style and besides sam and Chris couldn't have done it and I am positive it wasn't max, jack or anna's handwriting hence the only option. there was a lot to prepare for tomorrow so I had to hurry. i looked into my closet to see if I could find a hoodie but alas there was none so I took a jean jacket which ace had given me as a gift. it was a little big for me but I didn't mind.
I knocked on max's door. "you know that you are the only one who knocks right? normal people usually ring the doorbell." max said as yawned and opened his door.
"when have I ever been normal?"I ask and he chuckles.
"need anything?" he asked as he leaned on his door extremely exhausted.
"late night?"
"yup, the thing is not working again" max said.
"I am guessing that 'thing' is your brain" "might want to stop overworking it." i said.
"yup. sure..." max said clearly not listening to me. I jerked him before he could fall asleep.
"present! I here! I am up!" max yelled.
i chuckled and said that we weren't in class. "i need help in a few things but how about you sleep for a while with loki till then.
"ok" he said his voice only a little louder than a whisper.
"sweet dreams" i said and closed both doors before walking towards school.
i took a detour like always, opened the cafe door and jack greeted me. i asked for a smootie like always, before going to prepare it he joked that I was going spent all of my money buying smoothies and ice-creams. "that could happen" i said cheekly and jack laughed.
i left the cafe and reached the school. i noticed that the gates were locked. of course they were. yesterday they had declared that today will be a holiday as they preponed the event to tomorrow. why they did that? i might have a been a small reason to it. although the credit goes entirely to cleo as I only asked and she performed.
i jumped over the compound wall and walked to the roof.
james stood there just like I had thought.
"your plans are coming together " he said as he handed me a letter.
i saw the cresent moon on the letter and smirked "yes,they are".
i opened the letter and read.
chRiS - 20/04/2019 - sCHoOl FeStiVal
it was straight to the point.
i turned the paper so that james could see it.
"you were right I am guessing" james said
I smirked and said"the school festival was the perfect place to kill someone and make it look like an accident and the place will be crowed so the killer can't be easily identified."
"hence it is an opportunity the killer can't miss" james mused
"also because the killer seems impatient" i added.
"so when the event was preponded the killer also had to prepond his or her plans" james said deep in thought.
"exactly, so the plans might be a bit sloppy which will make our jobs easier." i said.
"but you still need more information." James said.
"alright, any information you want for a year in exchange for your past and the story behind the grave."
"three years"