it's morning

21 April 2019

it was finally morning and I haven't slept a wink. last night was not fun after dinner.

since the truth serum is still in the testing stage, it meant that we didn't know how long its effect would last.

meaning prof stine had no filter.

when max finally woke up, he jumped back startled hitting the floor.

i smiled a little as i helped him get up

breakfast was interesting to say the least. prof stine was very open and had no filter, and everytime he he cursed max looked mortified. it was funny really because i have heard ace curse a lot of times and cleo too. max has just been fortunate enough to not have.

after the breakfast i left max incarge to take care of prof stine.

i reached the orphanage that james had told me about

"looks like a haunted house" i told myself aloud

"sure looks like it"

that surprised me a bit

"what the hell cleo! tell me the next time we you are listening to me"

"sorry, i have been listening since max woke up. got to say never thought prof stine had such a filthy mouth"

"by the way, heads up because mia is also headed to this place"

"what? why?"

"she seems suspicious of us"

"clever one isn't she" i said a little annoyed

"let's just hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat" cleo said before muting herself

"you don't have to mute yourself you know. i think we both know than you are playing some game in your computer"

a few minutes later mia arrived.

"what are you doing here?" she asked

"i could ask you the same" i said as we both began exploring the place

"scared, are you" she asked

"nope, just hate orphanages" i replied

the place was dusty and the place just looked old and unused.

"when was the last time someone lived here" mia asked as looked at the big grandfather clock which seemed to not be working

after a few hours of searching without knowing what to find i decided to leave and come back with more information or backup as the place was a little big for only me to search, and mia followed me as she had been doing till now.

but as we were leaving a figure came into the building and stood in front of the only entry and exit to the building, and looked us and asked

"what are you two doing here?"