"we were so d*mn late"
i hated it i hated everything.
this wasn't supposed to happen. they were breaking the rules-
but were they?
they sent the message before the murder. they gave the victim's name, date, and crime scene.
and even if they didn't follow the rules i should have been prepared for that
i don't want anyone to die because of me. not again.
i ran towards the building only to be pulled back by max
"what are you doing?" he asked looking extremely worried as he held my hand
"i need to get to the roof" i said trying to pull out of max grasp
"maybe he is still alive-" i continued rambling before max cut in
"i am not letting you run into a burning building!"
"its my job" i said defending myself
"no its not" he said looking at me with unshed tears
"we were late" he said and somehow he looked sadder than before or guilty i couldn't tell
"we- i have to go even if there is a chance-"
"i am not going to let you get killed for a small chance," he said boldly. he looked strong even though he was seconds from breaking down
"i am not going sit by doing nothing," i said as i finally broke free. i ran.
but within seconds everything came tumbling down and i was on the ground with my hands held together on my back by max.
" i am sorry" he whispered. i wasn't sure if he meant me to her that.
at this point, he had begun crying softly. tears running down his face.
"i am sorry but i can't lose you too" he said between quiet sobs.
that was what finally broke me. i no longer wanted to run into the building.
alright! i still want to run into that building but a little less now.
we had both lost people we had cared about and another death might just break us.
and yet here we are a few feet away from a burning building.
i wonder who is more miserable.
the one who has to sit and possibly let a person die or the one who is crying his eyes out because he doesn't want to lose anyone anymore.