"-so it turns out that terra is one of you guys! she was also a USD member!"
"oh i see- i am sorry but ShE Is a wHAt?!" cleo screaked
"excuse me" was all i was able to say to that statement. like it made a bit of a sense now .
"mmm so terra was a USD member" i said
"is that all?" max asked
"how are you completely fine with this? i can understand alex because she is alex! but i thought you would have a little more of a reaction"
cleo couldn't see this because she wasn't here but his hands were shaking. he was scared. i wouldn't blame him. terra was a USD member and she is dead, that could happen to us too.
"let's all relax" i said
"sure, i need to sleep" cleo said, before i could say anything she said "good night" and the connection was cut. i know she wouldn't go to sleep. she probably just wanted a break from all this. whatever she found out about luna and terra must have been really bad.
"good afternoon cleo!" said anna
right..i forgot she was still here
"anna meet us at the cafe" i said as i pulled max directing him to start running with me as i saw the police approaching us to question us.
we heard yell but we ignored them
we couldn't lead them to the cafe so here we were in this tiny alleyway
"do we have a plan?" max asked
"do we ever?" i asked back
"so plan A and no plan B" he said nodding
"you know that we are going to mess up plan A right? we always mess up plan A" he said as he checked the surroundings
"maybe we should name it something else?" i said as i texted cleo
max chuckled "yup that will fix everything"
"you got something?" he asked
he scared me sometimes how he knew what i was doing without even looking
"uh... i got something alright"
"is that a good something or bad" he asked as he pulled on this shirt nervously
"you tell me" i said as i showed him my phone
"yup definitely bad" he said
and so we rushed back to the cafe to read the story "the tale of the two sisters"