our plan so far is to stay alive. i would like to say that it is an incredible plan only one problem, we still haven't figured out how to.
so here we are in front of the apartment hoping everything goes according to plan A because we don't have plan B.
i climbed the stairs along with sam and Chris walking along with me.
when we reached the final floor, my heart seemed to beat a bit faster.
out in the open stood a woman who was a few feet taller than me, her long brown hair seems to hide the scar that ran along her neck which was seen when the wind passed the area. she wore a long sleeved shirt and long pants and boots which seemed to cover every other inch of her body. even her hands were not visible as it was covered by gloves.
the one that stood out the most was her bright green eyes that stared right at me.
i was too immersed looking at her i didn't notice prof stine bound to a chair till she started talking
"you must be Alex." she said in a cheerful smile that looked so wrong on her face. it was the fact that it didn't look fake that made a chill run through my body
"that would be me" i forced myself to say trying to look unbothered.
but this just made her smile widen and i forced myself to not take a step back
she took a step forward and i tensed and saw through the corner of my eye to make sure sam and chris were safe behind me
she didn't seem to notice our discomfort if she did she didn't seem to care as she took few more steps before she was only a few meters away from me.
"you brought them!" she exclaimed happily and i once again was staring at her face.
the way she smiled but the smile never reached her eyes. and it reminded me of Ace from long ago, reminded me of jack, max, and Cleo and it reminded me of her.
i shoved the memories back a bit as i focused on the task at hand
"she isn't automatically a good person just because she has a sob story" my mind helpfully reminded me... but isn't she?
she had a horrible past, used herself as a scapegoat to protect her little sister and when finally escaped from her nightmare is told that the only person in the world she cared for, the only thing reason that kept her going is dead. it's obvious that she snapped but that doesn't mean she can't be helped
"lets cut the chit chat shall we?" she said too sweetly as she pulled a remote from her jean pocket and pressed a button. in the corner of my eye, i saw the fly bot fall to the ground and crash
"f***! we are so dead" chris mumbled and i couldn't help but agree