The Tournament

... Ken was not showing any expression of fear or surprise , it was pure hatred and his eyes were full of it. Hatred for the people who see Ninjutsu as nothing more than a business idea.The moment the headmaster left , Sakumo gave Ken a look that clearly said , that he was sure Ken would lose.

Ken turned back to look at Shin's face and saw fear . Shin broke out by saying , " brother what have you done . You challenged the headmaster straight to his face . What if you lose in the tournament , the headmaster's champion hasn't been beaten since the last three years. He's merciless , if he gets the chance , he will try his best to beat you to a pulp , till you get hospitalised.....".

All the while , Ken kept looking at his face and smiling as he was not worried about anything. Finally he broke his silence , by telling his brother to stop worrying so much and keep calm. Shinzo shut up for once , but didn't stop worrying . The tournament was to be held after seven days from now. On the first day , Ken was totally calm and was at work with Shinzo. Shinzo said " Brother don't you need to practice for the tournament ? " Ken simply smiled. Suddenly some of Shinzo's friends came running to him and asked him " Shinzo , we heard that your brother is taking part in the tournament and the headmaster allowed it . Is he trained enough to go against the warrior race Ninjutsu students? " To this , Shin gave a really confused reaction , as if he didn't know if Ken truly was trained enough. Ken said " You never really told me you had made friends , Shin ?" Shin said " these are my fellow servants , this is Chung ( pointing towards one of the boys ) , he's from China."

Chung was a really lean , kind young boy from China , he came to Japan as a servant as he was an orphan who had no one to look after him. He was also the alternate who took Ken's place as janitor in the dojo. All the while , they were introducing each other , there was cute and shy girl in Chung's group who was constantly staring Shin.

Meanwhile the headmaster was conspiring against the new servant who beat up his students.....The days passed by , and finally the tournament was to begin , today.



...."Brother , the tournament is about to start , are you nervous ?" said Shinzo to Ken on their way to the stadium. Ken said " Of course ....





NOT" .

When they reached the stadium , Ken and Shin saw that there were fighters from all over the world , at the venue. Shin was now on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The fighters lined up. There was a huge international audience as well. The preliminary rounds started Ken's was to fight against a fighter from Africa , by the name Taka. Taka was a highly skilled fighter and was trained in a strong traditional African martial art called Dambe.

Ken and Taka fought for almost 6 minutes Ken also received a few blows , but finally he won the match. He moved ahead in the tournament. Shinzo was now relieved and really excited as his brother won the first fight. Ken "That , Shin was a respectably strong fighter." Meanwhile , other matches also took place. After a grand total of Fifty fights , 25 moved ahead. Now , was stage 2.


...Thunderbolt was an American fighter trained in Tae Kwon Do. He was strong and trained well. The match lasted for seven minutes , but he made one mistake. Thunderbolt depended on brute force attacks to win. Ken , On the other hand, had perfect technique. A single leg sweep , and Thunderbolt was too careless too be able to parry...and match !

Ken moved to round 3 - Quarter finals. Ken was up against ....


Trained in Krav Maga , Dracov was tall and had an inhuman body and was extremely strong. But Ken was firm on his decision to beat the headmaster. Ken knew that to beat a foe that huge , he had to use his power against him. Ken carefully avoided his attacks for a few minutes and when the time was right , he brought Dracov closer to the border of the ring . When Dracov through one more punch , Ken parried it and threw Dracov out of the ring.....


Ken made it to the Semi - Finals. His match was against Sakumo's elder brother , Doku , the headmaster and the village's current champion. This was a battle everyone was looking forward to....

But you're gonna have to wait till the Next Chapter.