
...the final test. It's obvious this test won't be a normal one. The third and the final round was a test of Ki. Ki was a concept that only Ken and Ryo were aware of. They wanted to test the limit of each student's ability to go to the point where they could be ready to learn the use of their internal energy by the use of ninjutsu, by practicing it to the level of the perfect spiritual martial art that it is....



In this test, there were only 16 Contestants left. But the best part of the test according to Ken and Ryo was that none of the contestants had even the slightest idea of what Ki was, how it could be practised or how it could be used. Ken was ready to announce the test, but suddenly stopped as he noticed there were only 15 contestants, one was missing. It was Jin. Soon enough, Jin came running to the hall shouting 'Wait for me ! Sorry I'm late.' The process was about to start. Jin was really excited, as none of the contestants had any idea of what the test was about, or how it will take place. Ken said, 'Now that everyone is here, let's begin the process. The test is simple. All you have to do is sit with your legs folded, and meditate...







When you meditate, I will give you further directions, listen calmly to the soothing tone of my voice, and follow my instructions. Those of you who follow correctly will without fail, complete the task. Now go to your respective places and sit in the meditation position. Remember to keep the back of your palms on your knees and your back straight.' The test will begin in 1 min. You have a minute to settle down.' Saying this Ken stopped and gave the contestants time to calm their mind enough so they can start meditating.




Then he waited for 60 sec. and then spoke in the most soothing and calm voice: 'Concentrate on the very lowest part of torso. Try to focus on one single point at bottom most of your spinal cord. Imagine a tiny snake coiled and in deep slumber at that point. Try to concentrate on his life energy. Concentrate, without fail for the next ten minutes....




That's it! Open your eyes. Now as I call up a name, I need that contestant to come up and stand right next to Ryo sensei.....



The first name was .....Shin. Shin, along with all the others, was wondering what was gonna happen. Ryo simply put his right hand on Shin's head. After a few seconds, Shin felt a little heat at the point of contact of Ryo's hand and his head. A few seconds later Ryo removed his hand off of Shin's head. Ryo then said to Shin 'Thank you, Shin . Please go back to your seat. One by one, Ryo did this to all the 16 students, including Chung and one of his sister's friends, Kiyomi.



Kiyomi was a girl with a beautiful body, but the spirit of a warrior. She got aggressive quite often, but was also good at controlling her emotions.



Finally, Ryo got over with everyone. Now Ken said to the contestants, 'And that was it. You have all done your part, now leave the results to us. You may all kindly exit the room.'



Everyone left...A few moments later one of the officials came out of the room and put up a list of the names of those who had been selected.

All the 16, candidates rushed to find out the result. When they reached, Shin was the one standing in the front so he decided to read out the list. And as he read the the list, the faces lot up as all 16 were selected....well....15. There were names of Shin, Chung, Kiyomi etc. But there was one contestant who wasn't selected, it was




Jin wasn't selected, he tried his best to find his name but he couldn't. In the end, he came home with a sad face. He was truly disheartened. When he came his father understood by the look on his face, what had happened. Jin sat down beside him with a most dissapointed expression on his face...




. the academy, Ken announced that the tests were only to pick the heirs to Ryo's technique, to choose a few specially gifted students, all the other children of the village are also requested to enter the academy and learn ninjutsu from basics to advanced as they get promoted. Everyone rejoiced after hearing that the whole village's children were welcome.




Shin was also happy as he knew he had made his brother proud....