Bastian's Goal: Renewed Resolve

Kenshin felt a chill when he heard Bastian's words. Saying it and accomplishing it were two different things.


'I know that Bastian and the Matrix were made for each other.'

"It's incredible, isn't it? Once I finish this final spell we will have almost unlimited energy, because these things come from somewhere. They feed on your vitality but they are powered by something else. Something with powerful metaphysical abilities. So long as these things are there, and I suspect they will be here for a while, we won't have to worry about World Energy. 

To be honest, I have a few theories on what the powerful being that supplies these creatures is, but I have to analyse them for a while before I get a clear-cut answer. The main suspect is that it is a being that does not exist on the Sovereign continent, of that I'm sure. Why someone would want to curse you with a spell of this magnitude is bound me, and you won't tell me squat, which to be honest doesn't help much. Either way, I got your back son, but I ain't gonna cap bro, there are however a few issues to take note of.

They can supply us only with as much energy as we can use. Our bodies have limits on how much energy we can get. The rate of energy flow, the quality, the attributes, we have little control over most of these things. At least in attributes and rate of flow, I did quite a bit of tweaking but in other categories, we can't do much.

So we won't be able to use this energy whenever we want. And overusing it can also mutate our souls as this Area is part of our souls. Until our cultivation reaches a certain level there will be severe limitations on what we can do with this. But in the upcoming battle, this will be our ace in the hole. The enemy won't know what hit them hehe." Bastian snickered like a typical children's story villain as he watched his matrix undergo construction.


"Wait," a thought suddenly appeared to Kenshin, "I thought using them as an energy source was the point of all this. Wasn't this your Curse Symbiosis? So haven't you achieved your objective?"


Bastian had a grin of derision plastered on his face, "Kenshin, do you have any idea how many scientists dream of having access to a near-infinite source of energy, and you want me to just use it only as fuel? Why not use the wraiths as a metaphysical enzyme or catalyst? As a conduit? A weapon? A bomb? Vessel?  Or, as the basis for a super epic spell matrix that combines all of the above hehe."


Kenshin no longer had any words to say as he saw many Doom Wraiths turn into silver motes of light getting sucked into the matrix high in the sky.

'In other words, he is using the energy from the Wraiths to create a mega matrix that can act as all those things, is such a thing even possible.' Kenshin found it rather hard to believe, but Bastian chimed in to prove him wrong.


" Oh yes, my friend. It's very possible. I know because I have done the simulations. Of course, we won't be able to do all of that now and we will have to stick to only using the Mega Matrix and Wraiths in one or two capacities but as our cultivations rise and our reservoir of knowledge increases the number of uses for the matrix. I can revise and improve the matrix, I built it with the intention of it being revised later on computer programs. But I can only do the upgrades once the knowledge I have has reached a certain amount."

"How much knowledge do you need?" asked Kenshin.

"I ain't gon lie bro, a lot. Literally a lot. I was planning on passively participating in the Mark Bearer game but after thinking about using the Matrix I realised something."

Kenshin felt Bastian become unusually sombre so he kept his silence and waited for the latter to continue.

"I don't like the idea of pursuing power for the sake of pursuing power. That puts a bad taste in my mouth. But at the same time, I don't want to die again. I slowly watched cancer eating away at me bit by bit. The despair of death looming is something few people know. Especially when you believe only darkness comes after. So when I opened my eyes I was overwhelmed. Not just by the fact that I had life, but also by the new memories and circumstances. 

You have my memories in full so you know that I love being alive. I love learning. I want to create a perfect theory of everything. And now I have a means to. So my brother let's conquer. I'm not talking about raiding for riches and power but for knowledge. I want to gather all the knowledge I can and create a civilization the likes of which we have never seen. But to do this I need information.

Books. I need books. We need to gain more land and conquer more cities to gain information for this matrix. It's the start of my successfully pulling off my ambition. Of course, if you have any ambitions you have my full support. If you want to kill Buddha we will kill Buddha. If you want to slay demons we will raze the underworld to the ground. We need to be more focused and resolved than ever before. You with me bro."

Kenshin did not need time as he nodded firmly.



Sorry for the delays in posting. I live in zimbabwe and we have serious power cut issues and network wifi is hard to get here. Not to mention that im writing on an old samsung S7 so please bear with me.

Good news is there. For starters Bald Taoist has upgraded his pledge to tier IV The Steadfast so a special shout out to him and everyone who has supported our books.

We are currently working on having a discord server set up. It will be available on the 1st of December once evrything such as patreon and our other platforms have been sorted out.

[ Edit: hello all, it's Onion from the future here. Make sure to join our Discord server if you haven't already: ]

I also want to take this oppotunity to work on two important projects. One is Immortal Ascension Tower which cookie is putting up soon on webnovel. Another is an entry for the fantasy carnival coming up called Unbound battlefield. For Unbound Battlefield i alrady have 12 chapters written but i want to proprly work on it before publishing it next week. Its a kingdom builing story with a heavy emphasis on cold war strategies and litrpg so look forward to it.

Hence from now till the 14th of december, i will only be posting on Mon, Wed, and Fri. Thanks for reading so far and i continue looking forward to your support my fellow onions!