Chapter 3 | An Explanation

Max pulled out some glasses and stared at me intensely. "Let me explain this to you as best as I can." Max took a deep breath. "So one day, yesterday, me and Robyn were walking to the grocery store when this zombie came out and started eating people." He said. I waited a bit for him to continue, but when he didn't, I just sighed. "You don't know anymore then I do, huh?" I said. "No..." Max admitted, taking off the glasses. "But we are determined to find out the answers!" He said. "YOU are determined." Robyn corrected him. Max scratched his head. "Aw, c'mon you're not even a little bit curious?" When she shook her head, he sighed. "Well anyways... a few hours before we found you, we found a... tape..." Max said. "A tape?" I asked him, wondering what that had to do with anything. Max pulled out a busted cassette tape. "This!" When I just looked at Max, waiting for his explanation, he sighed. "None of you get it.... listen! Me and Robyn found thi.. AGH!" He wasn't able to finish that sentence as a zombie smashed it's face against the window. Max, Robyn, and I all looked out the back window and saw the giant herd from before. "Get out..." Max said, with a slight tremble in his voice. "GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" He said as Robyn pushed open her door. I followed suit and started running with her. Somehow our hands had found each others, but I was too scared too think about that now. As she pulled me along with her, I saw Max take out a shotgun and start shooting the zombies. One came dangerously close to him, but he managed to smash it with using his gun as a bat. When they started overcrowding him, he started running like crazy towards us. Together, we zoomed past abandoned cars and buildings until we found a tall, eery looking hotel. Max pushed us inside as he closed the doors. The encounter had left us all out of breath and as I put my hands on my knees. Max was barricading the door. "Well there goes my baby..." He said. Robyn just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, we're fine, thanks for asking." She walked off into another room. I looked at her go anxiously. "Should we really leave her on her own?" I asked. Max looked around. "Yeah, this place seems safe enough. C'mon Sam, we can find a room to rest in while she's throwing her stupid temper tantrum." He said, as he started heading towards a door labeled as the stairway. I ran after him, wondering what we'd find.